
Library Management System for Programvareverkstedet

Primary LanguagePython



Worblehat is a simple library management system written specifically for Programvareverkstedet.


Programvareverkstedet is a small community with many books and games. A simple web platform is needed to manage the library. We need to know who owns each item, if we can loan it out and where it is.


The entire application is written in flask.

Flask functions as a web server, and uses an ORM(SQLAlchemy) to store the data in an SQLite database.

The resulting web page is rendered on the server by jinja templates in flask.

Technical Details

How to install

  • Make a .env file with a secret key.
    • $ echo "SECRET_KEY=<secret>" > .env
  • Make a virtualenv
    • $ python3 -m venv venv
  • Activate the virtualenv
    • $ source venv/bin/activate
  • Install the requirements
    • $ pip install -r requirements.txt

How to configure

  • Make changes in the function "reset_db()" in worblehat/__init__.py if needed
  • run $ flask --app worblehat --debug resetdb


System / Package Manager

  • Python >= 3.6
  • Pip

Python packages