
4Minitz - Simply the best free webapp for taking meeting minutes. (Keywords: Meeting Protocols, Action Items, Open Source). Check it out on our demo server:

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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Simply the best free webapp for taking meeting minutes.

  • Create a meeting series and invite others
  • Specify moderators, invited and informed users
  • Create an agenda with multiple topics
  • Attend a meeting via web with reactive live updates
  • 1-button sending of agenda, minutes and action items by email
  • Use labels to tag items for later retrieval
  • Upload binary attachments to minutes (e.g., presentations, photos)
  • Track open action items and unfinished topics across meetings
  • Full privacy: Host your own server - it's easy!

(Click to enlarge screenshot)

Important: 4Minitz is currently WIP and not yet ready for mission critical usage. Nevertheless, quite a few features are working stable already and you can head over to our 4Minitz Demo Server and and play around or install the current version on your own server (see below)

Documentation is "continously" not finished... Nevertheless these WIP docs may be of help:

External Project Links

Quick Start

You have two options to quickly evaluate a local demo installation at your site.

  1. Use our ready-to-go docker image (recommended!) or
  2. Install meteor. Then build and run 4Minitz locally

Option 1: Use 4Minitz docker image (Linux, Mac & Windows)

Attention: Option 1 is only one possibility of running a production server. Don't miss the Admin Guide with a more comprehensive coverage of the real production building & installation topic!

The 4Minitz docker image includes the compiled 4Minitz app, a fitting node.js version and MongoDB and thus has no external dependecies.

  1. Install docker
  2. In a directory where you have write access run:
docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd)/4minitz_storage:/4minitz_storage -p 3100:3333 4minitz/4minitz

You can reach 4Minitz via the default port 3100 by opening http://localhost:3100 in your browser

See the admin guide for how to configure your 4Minitz docker server.

Option 2: Clone, build & run your own (Linux, Mac)

Attention: Option 2 is for quick testing only. It is intended for developers and so it has some security drawbacks (No password protection for MongoDB) and also consumes some amount of extra RAM (>700 MB)). Don't miss the Admin Guide with a more comprehensive coverage of the real production installation topic!


4minitz is realized with the Meteor JS Framework. So, first install the current version of meteor:

curl https://install.meteor.com/ | sh
meteor --version

You'll need root rights for that. As a non-root user you may install meteor by:

git clone --depth 1 --recursive https://github.com/meteor/meteor.git
cd meteor
meteor --version
sudo ln -s ./meteor /usr/local/bin/meteor

On Windows? Download the meteor installer.

Quick Installation of 4Minitz

OK, here we go! For a quick test installation perform:

git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/4minitz/4minitz.git --branch master --single-branch
cd 4minitz
cp settings_sample.json settings.json

Wait some time for meteor to finish downloading and building. You can reach 4Minitz via the default port 3100 by opening http://localhost:3100 in your browser

Hint: There exists a settings_sample.json file that has quite a few configuration options (like sending eMails etc.). Don't miss the Admin Guide with more details on this topic.