This is a WEB-based implementation of "A Data Collection Protocol, Tool and Analysis for the Mapping of Speech Volume to Avatar Facial Animation" for ICAT-EGVE 2022.
This is an open-source project that aids researchers to collect multi-modal data during speech at different volume levels. You can record facial video and speech audio with phonemically well-balanced 100 Japanese Corpus.
Along with it, if you also record ARKit blendshapes-based facial movement, especially for Live Link Face, you can synchronize across these data with timecodes.
Note that we cannot eliminate small-time error between WEB's timecodes and Live Link Face's for synchronization for now. We will upgrade our system to be well-connected or try not to use third party app for perfect synchronization.
Target platforms: Linux, Windows, and macOS
This repository relies on two submodules:
- ITA Corpus - Japanese phoneme-balanced corpus provided by the authors
- WEB recording implementation by Ryosuke Miyawaki
So, you need to clone with following command.
$ git clone --recursive
Or, if you already cloned this repository, just run following command.
$ git submodule update --remote --merge
After cloning, you can add participants to data/participants_list.json
We added a user named default
as a default setting.
If you complete adding, you have to run src/script_randomizer/
to generate randomized
order of scripts for each condition.
It will automatically create JSON files under
the speech-facial-movement-recording-system-for-avatar-animation-web/assets/user_data/{PARTICIPANT_UUID}
For Windows users, some might encounter problem while the generation. This is happened because there is a limitation of long length of path, so you need to allow it. For more information, please refer to this site.
The participants name was mapped to UUID to ensure unique ID.
This mapping was specified under the user_uuid_mapping.json
and user_uuid_mapping.csv
the speech-facial-movement-recording-system-for-avatar-animation-web/assets/user_data/
So, please be sure to ignore such information containing privacy when managing with version control system.
Please move to the cloned subcomponent, WakishiDeer/speech-facial-movement-recording-system-for-avatar-animation-web, which contains programs for WEB-recording system.
There is an file that you can follow to install dependencies and run the system.
Note that we assume the system can be used in the localhost even though there is both client and sever programs.
By default, participant JSON file contains following information:
"{TASK_01}": {
"normal": {
"no": [],
"content": [],
"timecode_start": [],
"timecode_stop": []
"high": {},
"low": {},
"muffled": {}
"{TASK_02}": {
"normal": {
"no": [],
"content": [],
"timecode_start": [],
"timecode_stop": []
"high": {},
"low": {},
"muffled": {}
"participant": "{UUID}",
"rms_max": 0.0,
"rms_min": 0.0
For our project, we set {TASK_01}
as ITA Corpus and {TASK_02}
as five Japanese vowels.
If you follow this format and change some properties written in index.vue
, you can use your preferred corpus.
You can find our paper here.
The citation format in the bibtex is as follows:
@inproceedings {10.2312:egve.20221273,
booktitle = {ICAT-EGVE 2022 - International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence and Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments},
editor = {Hideaki Uchiyama and Jean-Marie Normand},
title = {{A Data Collection Protocol, Tool and Analysis for the Mapping of Speech Volume to Avatar Facial Animation}},
author = {Miyawaki, Ryosuke and Perusquia-Hernandez, Monica and Isoyama, Naoya and Uchiyama, Hideaki and Kiyokawa, Kiyoshi},
year = {2022},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-530X},
ISBN = {978-3-03868-179-3},
DOI = {10.2312/egve.20221273}
or in plain text:
R. Miyawaki, M. Perusquia-Hernandez, N. Isoyama, H. Uchiyama, and K. Kiyokawa, “A Data Collection Protocol, Tool and Analysis for the Mapping of Speech Volume to Avatar Facial Animation,” in ICAT-EGVE 2022 - International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence and Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments, 2022. doi: 10.2312/egve.20221273.
- Ryosuke Miyawaki - CARE Lab, NAIST
- Monica Perusquia-Hernandez - CARE Lab, NAIST
- Naoya Isoyama - CARE Lab, NAIST
- Hideaki Uchiyama - CARE Lab, NAIST
- Kiyoshi Kiyokawa - CARE Lab, NAIST
Looking for information about our lab? Please visit here to find more information.
Project Link (Note that we customized ruby for the difficult Japanese Kanji)
- General Manager (プロジェクト総括):小田恭央(SSS合同会社)
- Project Manager (プロジェクト管理):金井郁也(明治大学)
- Creation and Management of Phrases (文章作成・管理):小口純矢(明治大学)
- Phrase Extraction (文章抽出):細田計
- Adviser (アドバイザ):齊藤剛史(九州工業大学),森勢将雅(明治大学)
This project is licensed under the MIT License.