📸🧩 Browser extension to take scalable, semantic, accessible screenshots of websites in SVG format.
- a-nikolaev
- agdollaBudapest, Hungary
- airstrikeMiami, FL
- AndrewKvalheimconsumed dᶻidᶻəlal̓ič
- BadgMunich
- coderbot16@LunarClient
- ctrlpprintChristchurch, New Zealand
- DonDebonairFractology.tech
- dragonai@myprizepicks
- eligrey@transcend-io
- extesyRoblox
- Firerouge
- fregante
- giovannibonetti
- j-
- josephcsible
- leolimasaTransportant
- lewisl9029@reflame
- m6w6SmugMug, Inc.
- mpetroffBoston
- neeksorPhoenix, Arizona
- ozanmakesThe Netherlands
- paris-ciParis
- phitHamburg, Germany
- runxelGermany
- scottjmaddoxAustin, TX
- sebmellen@cerebruminc
- stawip
- stevesimmonsSikoia Limited
- sullvnSymbiote
- svenkGermany
- TDHTTTTUniversity of Texas, Austin
- tech189UK
- tjkandalaJacksonville, FL <-> San Francisco, CA
- uyjulianUnited States
- yakov116