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npm install


single run (compile & test once, useful for CI):

npm test

development run (compile & test initially + for each file change, useful for development):

npm test -- --watchAll

running single tests

You can temporarily adapt jasmine tests to run only few specific tests (one or more) to save time, not to execute all the tests you have. In order to do that, use focus and exclude:

  • replace it() with fit()/xit() and/or
  • replace describe() tiwh fdescribe()/xdescribe()

Important thing, however, is not to push these temporary changes (fit, xit, fdescribe, xdescribe) to the repository.

custom matchers

Run only group of tests

  • Remove '/src/main/' from testPathIgnorePatterns: section in jest.config.js for running only tests inside '/src/main/'
  • Remove '/src/datatypes/' from testPathIgnorePatterns: section in jest.config.js for running only tests inside '/src/datatypes/'
  • Remove '/src/params/' from testPathIgnorePatterns: section in jest.config.js for running only tests inside '/src/params/'
  • Remove '/src/functions/' from testPathIgnorePatterns: section in jest.config.js for running only tests inside '/src/functions/'
  • Remove '/src/promises/' from testPathIgnorePatterns: section in jest.config.js for running only tests inside '/src/promises/'


We may update tests, to apply them fetch and merge the master branch back to your branch.

git merge pull push branch checkout origin master stash pop


In the beginning, most of the tests are failing:

      ×can be used
      ×is useful
      ×works like a charm

Your task is to learn TypeScript and make tests pass. Eventually, tests should look more or less like the following:

      √can be used
      √is useful
      √works like a charm