
Attendance tracking application using OpenCV and Firebase

Primary LanguagePython

Face Recognition Attendance System | Felix GG

This project presents a real-time face recognition system using OpenCV and Firebase as the database. Faces are detected and recognized in real-time and attendance is tracked and updated in the database. The system uses Firebase for real-time data tracking, storage, and retrieval. This repository is complete with a .yml file to easily set up a new environment.


  • Real-time face detection and recognition using face_recognition and cv2
  • Attendance is tracked and updated in real-time on Firebase
  • Student information and image are retrieved from Firebase

How it works

The system captures images from the webcam, detects faces, and recognizes them. If the recognized face matches a known student, their attendance information is retrieved and updated in the Firebase database.

It will also show a live feed of the webcam with the recognized faces highlighted and labeled, with all their respective information displayed along with customized background graphics.


  • Firstly, clone the repository to your local machine: https://github.com/felixggj/face-recognition-app.git

  • To create a new environment using the .yml file, navigate to the directory where the environment.yml file is located and use the following command:

conda env create -f environment.yml

  • Activate the environment using:

conda activate face-recognition

Before running the project, you will need to replace serviceAccountKey.json with your own Firebase project's service account key file and replace the databaseURL and storageBucket in the Firebase configuration.

Run the project

To run the main script, navigate to the project's directory and use the following command:

python main.py