Readers and converters for data acquired by the ASCAT sensor on-board the MetOP satellites. Written in Python.
Works great in combination with pytesmo.
This gives a short overview over the supported products. Please see the documentation for detailed examples of how to work with a product.
Read ASCAT data from different sources into a common format supported by pytesmo
ASCAT SSM(Surface Soil Moisture) Time Series
Available in netCDF format from H-SAF (H25 product)
CGLS SWI(Soil Water Index) Time Series (SWI_TS)
Available from the Copernicus Global Land Service (CGLS)
ASCAT SWI(Soil Water Index) Time Series
Available in binary format from TU Wien
H-SAF provides several different image products:
- SM OBS 1 - H07 - Large scale surface soil moisture by radar scatterometer in BUFR format over Europe
- H16 - SSM ASCAT-B NRT R : Metop-B ASCAT soil moisture 12.5km sampling NRT
- H103 - SSM ASCAT-B NRT O : Metop-B ASCAT soil moisture 25km sampling NRT
- H101 - SSM ASCAT-A NRT R : Metop-A ASCAT soil moisture 12.5km sampling NRT
- H102 - SSM ASCAT-A NRT O : Metop-A ASCAT soil moisture 25km sampling NRT
- SM OBS 2 - H08 - Small scale surface soil moisture by radar scatterometer in BUFR format over Europe
- SM DAS 2 - H14 - Profile index in the roots region by scatterometer data assimilation in GRIB format, global
The products H07, H16, H101, H102, H103 come in the same BUFR format. Since the default filenames are slightly different the following readers should be used:
- H16 - :py:class:`ascat.h_saf.H16img`
- H101 - :py:class:`ascat.h_saf.H101img`
- H102 - :py:class:`ascat.h_saf.H102img`
- H103 - :py:class:`ascat.h_saf.H103img`
- H07 - :py:class:`ascat.h_saf.H07img`
They are available after registration from the H-SAF Website
EUMETSAT provides ASCAT Level1 and Level2 data among others through the EUMETSAT Data Centre. At the moment this package supports the following products:
- ASCAT Soil Moisture at 12.5 km Swath Grid - Metop in BUFR format :py:class:`ascat.eumetsat.AscatAL2Ssm125` and :py:class:`ascat.eumetsat.AscatBL2Ssm125`.
- ASCAT Soil Moisture at 12.5 km Swath Grid - Metop in BUFR format - 3 Minute PDU files. :py:class:`ascat.eumetsat.AscatAL2Ssm125PDU` and :py:class:`ascat.eumetsat.AscatBL2Ssm125PDU`.
- ASCAT Soil Moisture at 12.5 km Swath Grid - Metop in netCDF format :py:class:`ascat.eumetsat.AscatAL2Ssm125Nc` and :py:class:`ascat.eumetsat.AscatBL2Ssm125Nc`.
- ASCAT Soil Moisture at 25.0 km Swath Grid - Metop in BUFR format :py:class:`ascat.eumetsat.AscatAL2Ssm250` and :py:class:`ascat.eumetsat.AscatBL2Ssm250`.
- ASCAT Soil Moisture at 25.0 km Swath Grid - Metop in BUFR format - 3 Minute PDU files. :py:class:`ascat.eumetsat.AscatAL2Ssm250PDU` and :py:class:`ascat.eumetsat.AscatBL2Ssm250PDU`.
- ASCAT Soil Moisture at 25.0 km Swath Grid - Metop in netCDF format :py:class:`ascat.eumetsat.AscatAL2Ssm250Nc` and :py:class:`ascat.eumetsat.AscatBL2Ssm250Nc`.
The packages you have to install depend on the features you want to use. The H-SAF image products are disseminated in BUFR (H07, H16, H103, H101, H102, H08) or GRIB (H14) format. So to read them you will have to install the appropriate packages which will be explained shortly. Unfortunately neither BUFR nor GRIB readers work on Windows so if you need these formats then Linux or OS X are your only options.
For installation we recommend Miniconda. So please install it according to
the official installation instructions. As soon as you have the conda
command in your shell you can continue.
The following script will download and install all the needed packages.
conda create -q -n ascat python=2 numpy pandas netCDF4 pytest pip pyproj source activate ascat conda install -c conda-forge pybufr-ecmwf # for reading BUFR files conda install -c conda-forge pygrib=2.0.1 # for reading GRIB files pip install ascat
This script should work on Windows, Linux or OSX but on Windows you will get errors for the installation commands of pybufr-ecmwf and pygrib.
We are happy if you want to contribute. Please raise an issue explaining what is missing or if you find a bug. We will also gladly accept pull requests against our master branch for new features or bug fixes.
For Development we also recommend a conda
environment. You can create one
including test dependencies and debugger by running conda env create -f
. This will create a new ascat-dev
environment which you
can activate by using source activate ascat-dev
If you want to contribute please follow these steps:
- Fork the ascat repository to your account
- Clone the repository, make sure you use
git clone --recursive
to also get the test data repository. - make a new feature branch from the ascat master branch
- add your feature
- please include tests for your contributions in one of the test directories We use py.test so a simple function called test_my_feature is enough
- submit a pull request to our master branch
If you use the software in a publication then please cite it using the Zenodo DOI:
This project has been set up using PyScaffold 2.5.6. For details and usage information on PyScaffold see