This device shows you how a particular baker is doing during one cycle (4096 blocks) represented as a 16x16 grid, each cube is 16 blocks where a baker can have rights to endorse or bake.
It also connect the your baker and check if is on sync with Tezos blockchain.
- Microcontroller ESP32-WROOM-32D
- 2.7inch BW e-Paper display
- Generic battery bank (e.g: 5V 5000mAh). Notice the battery bank should not cut power on low current.
It uses 40mA @ 3.3v (0.132W) while active (once every minute), while sleeping uses 4mA (0.0132W). The display doesn't need power to retain the image.
create a src/local.h
file containing the following information:
#ifndef LOCAL_H
#define LOCAL_H
#define BAKER_HOST "your-backer-host-or-ip"
#define BAKER_PORT your-baker-rpc-port
#define WIFI_SSID "your-wifi-ssid"
#define WIFI_PASS "your-wifi-password"
#define BAKER_ADDRESS "your-tz-baker-address"
Get PlatformIO from
$ pio run
$ pio run -t upload
$ pio device monitor