
Various utilities to run and manage Diplomacy games

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Digital Diplomat

This repo contains a suite of python scripts for creating, managing, and visualizing Diplomacy games. The scripts herein are designed to bridge the gap between the mechanics of the game (the adjudicator used here is pydip) and a user facing interface to play the game.

The primary use case here is for groups that play Diplomacy over the internet managed by a moderator or even automatically be a discord bot.

Example Visualization of the orders, to see three example games (especially helpful to get familiar with the behind-the-scenes state and order format), checkout examples/.

Setup guide

The recommended way to use this repo is with a discord bot (run locally). This bot provides and interface for the game directly in discord using a handful of commands (run .help in discord to see a full list of available commands).


  1. If you don't already have python installed, I recommend using the Anaconda (or miniconda) distribution, as it will make dealing with dependencies easier.

  2. Download, or better yet, clone this repo with git clone https://github.com/felixludos/digi-diplo. (Note that if you don't have git installed, you have to manually download and install pydip and remove the corresponding line from the requirements.txt before the next step, while if you have git all that will be done automatically).

  3. From the top level directory (containing this readme), install all dependencies using pip install -r requirements.txt.

  4. Test to make sure everything is installed and working by running: fig start-bot. This should produce an error saying No discord token found (assuming you haven't already setup the discord bot). If there is a different error, chances are you are missing a dependency and try installing it based on the error message using pip install [name]

  5. Now create and add a discord bot to the discord guild (aka. server) of your choice. Here's a useful tutorial to do so: How to Make a Discord Bot in Python

  6. Once you have the necessary discord token, make sure it is stored as an environment variable called DISCORD_TOKEN.

  7. Finally, rerun fig start-bot, this time there should be no error, and after some loading, the last line in the console should say something along the lines of Logged on as [bot-name]. If you get an error that mentions something about "requesting priveleged intents that have not been explicitly enabled", those must be enabled from the discord developers portal (see here for more info).

  8. You can confirm that the bot is ready for use by submitting .ping on a public channel in the discord guild, and the bot should greet you. Once you get this far, the setup is complete, and now it's only a matter of configuring the bot to behave as you wish (e.g. run the variant you want to play).

  9. Lastly, it is strongly recommended create a discord role for all the game managers, as only they should be allowed to run certain commands on the bot (e.g. adjudicating the current season). For the purposes of this guide, the role will be called "Host", but you can use any role by replacing "Host" where necessary in the commands below.

Starting a Game

If you just want to start playing the vanilla Diplomacy, you can start the bot with the following command:

fig start-bot classic/bot --admin-role Host

This will start the bot and will automatically create a new game and store all the corresponding files in games/. If you want to load an existing game (e.g. games/game1) instead of starting one from scratch when starting the bot, use the command:

fig start-bot classic/bot --admin-role Host --game-root games/game1

Optionally, you may include --private-commands to prevent players from running commands in any channels beside their designated (private) orders channel (see below for more details).

While the bot is running, you can submit the message .help to see a list of all the commands the bot can respond to.

Suggested Use of the Bot (by an admin)

  1. It is expected that the discord server is setup such that each player is given one private channel to submit orders and communicate with the admins. Additionally, it is suggested that the admins also have one private channel where they interface with the bot to prevent any information accidentally leaking to the players early.
  2. When starting the bot for the first time: use .designate-channel and .designate-role (or .designate-player) to associate the channels and roles to the corresponding players. Also, in the console, note down what game was created (by default games/game1). From now on, to load the same game include --game-root in the command to start the bot (instead of creating a new one each time).
  3. At some point, post the correct order format with .order-format.
  4. When starting the bot: .scan-orders - scan the designated channels for new orders players submitted while the bot was offline
  5. (optional) .prompt "1 hour" - warn the players to submit all their orders
  6. (optional) .freeze - freeze the bot at the deadline to stop players from continuing to change/submit orders
  7. .print-orders - to print out all submitted orders. If you’re generous and players made mistakes or NMRd, you can dm them and fix any mistakes for them (using .set-order). (don’t post it publicly yet)
  8. .render-orders - to render the map with all orders drawn. (don’t post it publicly yet)
  9. Inspect the orders, if there are any errors, fix them using .set-order or .remove-order and go back to step 5. Once all are acceptable, save a copy of the order yaml file (inside the game directory actions/).
  10. .step - to adjudicate the season and move on to the next one. If any of the orders are missing or illegal, the adjudication will fail, so keep an eye on the console. Unless the bot says the season has been successfully adjudicated, it has failed. If it failed, check the console above the exception stack trace, you’ll see the action that caused the error. You can manually fix that by replacing it with a hold order for the unit in the same loc using .set-order.
  11. Once the adjudication is successful, backup the resulting new state yaml file (in states/).
  12. .print-state - print out the results of the adjudication
  13. .render-state - render the new map
  14. Post the orders into the order log and all the maps in the public channel/s.
  15. .unfreeze - unfreeze the bot to allow players to run commands again.

Players’ Perspective

Players can submit and view orders themselves while the bot is running. However, even if the bot is offline, they can submit messages that can be read by the bot once it is restarted, provided they use their designated channels.

  • .status - list what orders are still missing
  • .order - submit an order for the current season. Even if the bot is offline (ie. you get no output), the order will should be recorded next time the admins run .scan-orders.
  • .submitted - view all orders that have been submitted
  • .remove - remove a submitted order given the location of the unit
  • .season - view the current season

Without a discord bot

If you don't need or don't want to use a discord bot, you can also run the most important features using individual scripts. The main downside of this usage is that you have to compile the orders manually with the expected order format (in yaml files) in the actions/ directory in the game directory.

  • create-game - creates a new game (by default called game1 saved in games/). Suggested use: fig create-game classic/game
  • step - adjudicate the current season (given the game directory is games/game1), the last state is states/1-2.yaml, the orders are in actions/1-2.yaml (ie. first year Fall season): fig step classic/game --game-root games/game1
  • render - draws the current state fig render classic/game --game-root games/game1, optionally including orders fig render classic/game --game-root games/game1 --include-orders.

Customizing the Bot/Game

The bot can be started with the start-bot command, and must be provided a manager (e.g. diplo-manager) which will keep track of the game state and actions. The manager keeps track of the map (see the diplo-map component) and optionally a renderer which can draw the current game state and/or submitted orders (see the diplo-renderer).

Creating maps/variants

[guide coming soon (for now, see the notebooks/ directory)]