I18Next HMR🔥 webpack / vite plugin that allows reload translation resources instantly on the client & the server.
- adi518deepdub.ai
- AMSTKOFront-end developer at Chanel
- andfkMadrid, Spain
- aveltras
- bjolucGermany
- BnayaIsrael, Middle East
- chrillep@triggerfishab
- CoSNaYe
- DmitriyNikolenko
- ElForasteroMoldova, Chișinău
- eranshabiMiddle East
- fabriceyopa@laravelcm
- felixmoshHayokra.co.il
- Fonger@Dcard
- hsoljic1
- igalst@Webiya
- iksenteverkit.org
- ilhantekirErka Grup
- justincy
- kdelmonteTampa, FL
- latchyVST
- leecoop
- LuisPerez94México
- mtblanton@allenai
- n-dragonParis
- PeterKottas@guestbell
- schorts99Oaxaca, México
- shlomitc
- shprink@toptal
- shunkakinoki@LightDotSo
- tamj0rd2Acuris
- Taraluktus
- thebartekbanachPoland
- timonweberBerlin
- tokomeno
- wootsaejao