The metadata generator webapp that serves up enhanced information and "tagging" for artifacts from a Maven repository. This is intended to serve as a backend to power the data to generate for serving an enhanced downloads website.
- Java 14
SystemOfADownload (SOAD) is built on LagomFramework, an opinionated Event Source + CQRS architecture framework built on Play, and as such relies on several functional programing paradigms. Lagom as a whole provides enough to build out several services with semi-automatic service discovery routing and using Cassandra as the primary storage database for the Event Journal.
To learn about the topics, please visit Lagom's documentation on concepts that goes at length about how the system works together.
Each service (maven module) in this project is meant to represent a specific domain of control/knowledge, and as such, rendered into its own service. They are as follows
The first three are what effectively being given as model views to exploring a paired Sonatype Nexus repository instance for artifacts and presenting/serving them in a more user friendlier way by providing git-like changelogs between artifacts.
The bread and butter of the shebang. Manages/creates/caches artifacts to knowledge by
maven coordindates. Typically,
an Artifact
is not actually an artifact, but considered a Component
with several
s. Here we have exposed the ability to retrieve an artifact (if registered) and
its known assets along with download url's provided.
This is a little more subtle, but effectively, since each artifact may or may not have a
listed in the jar manifest, this service strictly deals with managing registered
repositories, updating them, and pulling the list of commits diffing between two commits.
Amalgamation of information between the ArtifactService
and CommitService
. This is where
we can store/manage changelogs per artifact regsitered by an entity.
This is the webhook functionality that performs a Saga-like series of jobs or units of work. Because the nature of an artifact being uploaded to Sonatype and "the fact that anything can and will go wrong",
Provides the login end point and generates Json Web Tokens (JWTs) to enable interacting
with select services. It uses lagom-pac4j's SecuredService
to provide authentication
and authorization to other endpoints. It is used to provide internal, LDAP and JWT based