Capstone-Project: Soldering Through-hole Components Application Using Yaskawa Motomini Robot

🏹 Objectives:

− Research, develop, and build a program for detecting the target to be soldered, and estimating the soldering position.

− Study the design of a lead soldering delivery system for electronic component soldering operations.

− Research and develop algorithms for controlling an automated welding robot for predefined targets.

− Construct a user-friendly interactive GUI.

🔭 Scope: − Objects: Electronic components used for insertion, such as: fences, plug resistors, plug capacitors, LED lights, integrated circuits, and transistors.

− Layout: Electronic components are arranged on a PCB soldering test board within the defined working area.

− 🤖: Yaskawa Motomini, using YRC1000micro controller.


Skills: Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Robotics, C++, Qt