Welcome to GLOBE_3D, the GL Object Based Engine for 3D in Ada. Please refer to GLOBE_3D_Info.html for the documentation! | If you are really in a hurry, skip the documentation page, | go to the demo directory and pick an appropriate project file... | | globe_3d_demos.gpr (GNAT, valid at least for Windows and Linux; | there is an untested mode for Mac) | globe_3d_objectada.prj (ObjectAda 9.1+ project file) | globe_3d_darwin.gpr (old GNAT project file for Mac; perhaps | globe_3d_demos.gpr is OK for Mac) | | ...punch "Build", then run globe_3d_demo[.exe] (Windows: not from | GNAT Studio, but directly from an Explorer window). The upload's date appear in the _Upload_version_[date].txt file.