CMB Protocol

For the following, the mininet-based virtual machine from is assumed as environment.

This protocol is not suited for file transfers over real networks as it lacks congestion control!


$ make install

The command above will make sure,

  • Python 3.5 and Rust are installed.
  • Since the installed Ubuntu on the above mentioned VM is out of support, it is patched.
  • Project dependencies are installed in a virtual environment.

The compilation might fail if a 32bit version of Python is used on a 64bit machine.

Usage examples

Activate the virtual environment if it is not already activated.

$ . venv/bin/activate

For general usage refer to the CLI documentation.

Basic example

When no IP address or port is specified, the server will start listening on UDP The server expects its first positional argument to be a path to a file.

(venv) $ python3 -m cmb_protocol server ./some_file.pdf
[INFO]	Reading from /home/mininet/some_file.pdf
[INFO]	Serving resource 9227dae20e7cbcd561f55d2a31363843000000000020df7a
[INFO]	Started listening

Similarly, the client will connect to UDP with a sending rate of 2 Mbit/s. The client expects its first positional argument to be the resource ID which is printed to the console by the server, as seen above. The second argument must be the destination file, e.g. /dev/null or - for stdout.

(venv) $ python3 -m cmb_protocol client 9227dae20e7cbcd561f55d2a31363843000000000020df7a /dev/null
[INFO]	Writing to /dev/null
[INFO]	Downloading 2.154362 Mb
[INFO]	Combined target transmission rate 2.000000 Mbit/s

Serving on more than one interface

The server can listen on more than one interface. To specify multiple IP address and port combinations, do as follows.

(venv) $ python3 -m cmb_protocol server -a -p 1337 -a ::1 -p 1338 ./some_file.pdf
[INFO]	Reading from /home/mininet/some_file.pdf
[INFO]	Serving resource 9227dae20e7cbcd561f55d2a31363843000000000020df7a
[INFO]	Started listening
[INFO]	Started listening

Downloading using two connections

The client supports downloading a file via up to 2 connections in parallel.

(venv) $ python3 -m cmb_protocol client -a -p 1337 -a ::1 -p 1338 9227dae20e7cbcd561f55d2a31363843000000000020df7a /dev/null
[INFO]	Writing to /dev/null
[INFO]	Downloading 2.154362 Mb
[INFO]	Combined target transmission rate 4.000000 Mbit/s

Setting the target sending rate

The client is able to specify a different desired target sending rate in bps per connection.

(venv) $ python3 -m cmb_protocol client -a -p 1337 -r 50000 -a ::1 -p 1338 -r 25000 9227dae20e7cbcd561f55d2a31363843000000000020df7a /dev/null
[INFO]	Writing to /dev/null
[INFO]	Downloading 2.154362 Mb
[INFO]	Combined target transmission rate 0.600000 Mbit/s