
A mail.tm API wrapper written in Golang.

Primary LanguageGo


The mailtm module wraps the Mail.tm API and provides full functionality.


go get github.com/felixstrobel/mailtm


Firstly, create an MailClient object. This is the object that communicates with the API.

import "github.com/felixstrobel/mailtm"

func main() {
    client, err := mailtm.New()

After that you can directly create an account:

// With random password

// With custom password

If you already have an account and know the address and password, you can simply sign back in:

client.RetrieveAccount("your@email.com", "your_password") 

Fetching your messages of the first page (around 30 messages):
client.GetMessages(&account, 1)
Get detailed message:
client.GetMessageByID(&account, "the_id_of_the_message")

Delete a message:

client.DeleteMessageByID(&account, "the_id_of_the_message")

Mark a message as seen:

client.SeenMessageByID(&account, "the_id_of_the_message")

If you decide to delete an account, you can use the DeleteAccount function to do so:
