Latex documentation of our understanding of the synthetic /internal theory of the Zariski-Topos
- AlizterLondon, United Kingdom
- alreadydoneHeidelberg / Shenzhen
- AndrasKovacs
- aradarbel10
- ayberktUniversity of Birmingham
- BrethlandGensokyo
- dannypsnl@second-state
- denjiKyiv, UA
- dudubao2007
- elpinal
- esnekoLatvia
- famasoonTokyo, Japn
- favoniaUniversity of Minnesota
- forked-from-1kasperMilky Way, Solar System, Earth
- ice1000@plctlab
- jaycech3nUniversity of Nottingham
- jiangsy
- jonsterlingUniversity of Cambridge
- jozefgAarhus
- jpoiretEurope
- maxsnewUniversity of Michigan CSE
- mnieperUniversity of Augsburg
- ModernBOHunter
- MohammedSharukhkaksha.ai
- mvrNYUAD
- noghartt@firefliesai
- pretentious7
- tkersey@thisisartium
- TOTBWFMcMaster University
- Trebor-HuangInternal cat of a doughnut
- VitalyAnkhMars
- wampy37
- xuanruiqiGraduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University
- YiqiXu
- yun2liu3Bloomington, IN