
Soundness proof for System CC_<:□

Primary LanguageCoq

Capture Calculus proofs

This project contains the Coq proofs for Capture Calculus

We developed the proofs with Coq version 8.10.0.

A makefile is attached, but to recreate it in case of problems, run the following command:

coq_makefile -f _CoqProject -o Makefile

Then, to actually build the proofs:



The proofs are based on an implementation of System F-Sub in locally nameless style.

  • All definitions can be found in the file CCsub_Definitions.v.
  • The files CCsub_Infrastructure.v and CCsub_Lemmas.v contain technical lemmas related to substitution and the locally nameless representation.
  • File CCsub_CvFacts.v contains lemmas about cv.
  • File CCsub_Hints.v contains hints and tactics we found useful for in the next file.
  • The file CCsub_Soundness.v contains lemmas leading to and including preservation and progress.
  • Finally, the file CCsub_Examples.v contains lemmas leading to and including preservation and progress.