
Real-time online visitors counter using Ajax, PHP PDO and SQLite.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Online Visitors Counter


Real-time online visitors counter using Ajax, PHP PDO and SQLite.

It adds a discrete link (auto-refreshed every 15 seconds) with the number of current users on the website.

If the link is clicked, a list of pages currently been visited appears, along with the number of visitors in each page.


  • PHP5 (or later) with PDO SQLite extension
  • SQLite
  • Write permission on the folder 'ovc' so php can create and use the sqlite database

If you're not using a webhosting panel, like cPanel or VestaCP, please, install the above requirements manually on your OS.


Download and unzip this package.

Then upload the folder ovc to your website (anywhere).

Now you just need to call it:

<script src="path/to/ovc/counter.js"></script>


The index.html of this package is the best example you can find. You'll understand when you run it. (Remember it needs to be run on a PHP server).

But here is another quick example: Let's say your website is http://example.com and you've uploaded the ovc folder to the root directory, you would call the script like this:

<script src="http://example.com/ovc/counter.js"></script>


On the config.php file, you'll find a lot of customizable parameters. Easy to set, as you can see on the following example.

If you want the link to show "X Online", you'd set:

$visitorSingular = "Online";
$visitorPlural = "Online";
$linkFormat = '%1$d %2$s';

And the result would be: