
A service to return older system profile records

Primary LanguagePython


A service to return older system profile records

dev setup

(need to fill this in)

  • make sure you have libpq-devel installed

Required dependencies:

  • pipenv
  • pre-commit

Work with pre-commit hooks

# installs pre-commit hooks into the repo
pre-commit install --install-hooks

# run pre-commit hooks for staged files
pre-commit run

# run pre-commit hooks for all files in repo
pre-commit run --all-files

# bump versions of the pre-commit hooks automatically
pre-commit autoupdate

# bypass pre-commit check
git commit --no-verify

db changes and migration

The db schema is defined by the objects defined in models.py. When a change is made to these model objects, a database migration needs to be created. This migration will be applied automatically when an updated image is spun up in a pod. The steps to create the database migration are below:

  • make changes to model objects in models.py
  • in the historical-system-profiles-backend source directory, run pipenv shell
  • spin up the dev database with docker-compose -f dev.yml up -d
  • run flask to upgrade the dev database to its current state with the command FLASK_APP=historical_system_profiles.app:get_flask_app_with_migration flask db upgrade
  • now run flask to create migration with the command FLASK_APP=historical_system_profiles.app:get_flask_app_with_migration flask db migrate -m "migration message"
  • be sure to include the newly created migration file in migrations/versions/ in your pull request

To run SonarQube:

  1. Make sure that you have SonarQube scanner installed.
  2. Duplicate the sonar-scanner.properties.sample config file.
  cp sonar-scanner.properties.sample sonar-scanner.properties
  1. Update sonar.host.url, sonar.login in sonar-scanner.properties.
  2. Run the following command
java -jar /path/to/sonar-scanner-cli- -D project.settings=sonar-scanner.properties
  1. Review the results in your SonarQube web instance.