CrockStack is for developers for whom the AWS-SAM start-api with a full-blown Docker image is impractical or impossible. It replaces start-api by reading your template.yaml or template.json (and any associated openapi.yaml or openapi.json), and exposing your Lambdas on a local http server.
CrockStack has some limitations:
- It only supports Node (AWS supports Node, Java, Python and Go).
- It only implements four resource types: Lambda, Gateway, Layer and DynamoDB (I’ll be adding CustomAuthorizers next, and I'm open to suggestions)
- For DynamoDB support, you need a local instance running, and need to pass a parameter called "DynamoDbEndpoint" using "--env-vars" or "--parameter-overrides".
- It supports the !Ref, !Join, !Transform, !Sub and !FindInMap functions.
CrockStack is a work in progress and it's not by any means intended as a full replacement for SAM start-api, so please manage your expectations accordingly.
As of version 1.1.1, CrockStack supports synchronous functions, including context (including the deprecated functions done, succeed and fail) and callbacks.
npm install crockstack
or globally
npm install -g crockstack
Start from the location of your template.yaml, if you installed globally...
Or if you installed locally
node node_modules/crockstack/cli.js
Crockstack supports most AWS start-local parameters, such as
crockstack --port 3000 --env-vars yourfile.json --parameter-overrides "BuildVersion=v4,Greeting=hello" --template productiontemplate.yaml
The default port is 8080. The default template is template.yaml. After launching, you should be able to access your API at localhost:8080.
The current version is 1.1.5