
In this place, you show a some projects made by me using nodejs

Primary LanguageJavaScript

here are some applications that I made to be used in the command prompt using NodeJs

See here the list of projects

Node run


To use the calculator, simply run the simple_calc.bat file

Rpg Game

To play the RPG, make sure the dependencies are installed, and run the game.bat file

Discord Bot

How to initialize discord bot

How to start discord bot.

1. Fork this project using git clone https://github.com/felpzsouls/NodeJs-projects/Discord-bot

2. Install the dependecies using npm install

3. Paste you bot token and prefix in .env file(you can take this in Discord Developer Portal)


4. Run the bot using node . or node index.js

NodeWeb projects

Fpz Chat

In this place, you and your friends can use it to chat, make sure the dependencies are installed!

Express project

In this place has a template for Express framework in NodeJs, have a router handling and a method for set your favorite Hypertext Markup Language.

Discord OAuth

How to use Discord-OAuth

How to use:

To use this Discord authenticator, you will need to create a new application in the discord developer portal, there you will get the Secret Key, for your .env and the client id

Discord Developer Portal