Clan Africa Assessment Test

This is a frontend project built with React.

Getting Started

To get started with the project, follow these steps:

  • Clone this repository to your local machine.
  • Run npm install to install the project dependencies.
  • Run npm start to start the development server.
  • Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser to view the project.

Project Requirements

The project requires users to:

  • Complete each step of the sequence
  • Go back to a previous step to update their selections
  • See a summary of their selections on the final step and confirm their order
  • View the optimal layout for the interface depending on the device's screen size
  • See hover and focus states for all interactive elements on the page
  • Receive form validation messages if:
  1. A field has been missed
  2. The email address is not formatted correctly
  3. A step is submitted, but no selection has been made

Technologies Used

The project was built with the following technologies:

  • React
  • JavaScript
  • CSS


The project was built by Femi Akinyemi as part of Clan Africa Frontend Assessment Test.