
Collection of JavaScript modern interview code challenges for beginners to experts

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JavaScript Modern Interview Code Challenges


HitCount made-with-Markdown

This is a collection of JavaScript Modern Code Challenges suitable for

  • Interviewees
  • Interviewers
  • Knowledge test
  • Practice

JavaScript Modern Interview Code Challenges by topic

Usage Guide

  • The JavaScript modern interview code challenges are divided into 5 sections topic wise
  • These sections are mututally exclusive for most of the questions and no ordering has to be followed for topics
  • Each section will have list of questions generally from easy to advanced level with increasing difficulty
  • All the questions are listed at the top of each section and clicking on the question will land to the answer section
  • Questions might have example which helps to understand the question better
  • Questions might have multiple solutions or answers divided in to multiple parts
  • Notes contain additional details about the solution
  • Try to solve the questions on your own before looking in to the solutions

Study materials

Tutorials and references

Contribution Guide

  • Feel free to contribute to this repo by raising the pull request
  • If you do not know to raise pull request, send an email with details to sadypai@gmail.com
  • Spelling mistakes, improvement of answers, code comments, rephrasing the questions / points, additional details, quality references and such contributions are highly appreciated

Question contribution

  • The question should be unambiguous and as generic as possible
  • Only JavaScript questions with coding solutions are allowed (No theoretical question)
  • Any coding hints to be provided along with the question can be included as example
  • Answer can contain maximum 4 parts
    • Important points related to solving the question or about the implementation logic - optional but recommended
    • Solution program (single or multiple solutions) - mandatory
    • Notes (additional detail about the answer) - optional
    • References - optional but recommended

Standards followed

  • No full stop at the end of the question or points
  • Output of the code is mentioned infront of the statement with comments
  • Code comments should be before or after the code in seperate line
  • Driver codes are added only when necessary
  • The difficulty level of the question in general increases with the question number
  • Follow the existing format of markdown and code

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Feel free to connect with me on sadanandpai