
a react-redux starter template that gets you started with your project and increase your productivity by 10x


Contribution Guideline

A lot of people complain about redux having too much boilerplate which makes them uncomfortable when they are about to start a new project.

This project is centered around creating all the boiler plate you need to get you up and running as soon as you can. Please feel free to contribute. Cheers!

  • I am not familiar with redux. Can i still contribute?

    Yes you can. You don't have to be familiar with redux, all you need is to be ready to learn, This will get you started on time. Go to react redux to get started and come back to pick the issue you feel you can work on.

  • Should I commit to main branch directly

    No! checkout to a branch before you start any contribution. The name of the branch should be similar to the issue you are working on. E.G Say you are working on comment issue the name of your branch will be comment

    NB: All PR sent to main branch will be considered invalid


Before you begin contributing, you should install all the dependencies

npm install

This will allow you to get the dependecies being used on this project.

Ground Rules

Breaking any of these rules will result in your pull request being closed. Please follow these guidelines above all else:

  • Always be polite and respectful to others and try to follow the advice of the moderators/collaborators/owners.
  • Only modify the file / folder the issue you are working on is being labelled with
  • Notify the moderator if you want to add more issues / Enhancement

Do you feel like this Readme is incomplete?

Please feel free to notify me in the issue created for this to add more. :)