
Sistem for indexing and searching news.

Primary LanguagePython

Information Retrieval Proyect

Sistem for indexing and searching news. It is divided in this files;
SAR_Indexer.py - Propgram for indexing files. It extracts the news from a local directory, and saves the index in the current directory.
SAR_Searcher.py - Program for searching news. Given an indexer, it will give the result of the given querry.
SAR_lib.py - Library for both programms. All methods used in the previous programs are here.

Detailed Functionality


Usage: SAR_Indexer.py [-h] [-S] [-P] [-M] [-O] newsdir index

Index a directory with news in json format.

Positional arguments:
newsdir -> directory with the news.
index -> name of the file to save the project object.

Optional arguments:
-h, --help => Show this help message and exit
-S, --stem => Compute stem index.
-P, --permuterm => Compute permuterm index.
-M, --multifield => Compute index for all the fields.
-O, --positional => Compute positional index.


Usage: SAR_Searcher.py [-h] [-S] [-N | -C] [-A] [-R] [-Q query | -L qlist | -T test] index

Search the index.

Positional arguments:
index -> name of the file with the index object.

Optional arguments:
-h, --help => Show this help message and exit
-S, --stem => Use stem index by default.
-N, --snippet => Show a snippet of the retrieved documents.
-C, --count => Show only the number of documents retrieved.
-A, --all => Show all the results. If not used, only the first 10 results are showed. Does not apply with -C and -T options.
-R, --rank => Rank results. Does not apply with -C and -T options.
-Q query, --query query => Query.
-L qlist, --list qlist => File with queries.
-T test, --test test => File with queries and results, for testing.