
Pig Latin

  • Pig Latin is a language game where English words are altered in a set of rules:
    1. If word does not start with a letter, it will not be changed.
    2. Every word that starts with a consonant, all consonants before the first vocal will be moved to the end, and 'ay' is added.
    3. Words that start with a vocal, 'yay' will be added at the end.
  • Examples;
    mess ⇒ essmay
    father ⇒ atherfay
    Rwanda ⇒ Andarway
    choir ⇒ oirchay
    ant ⇒ antyay
    4G ⇒ 4G
  • This scrip translates from Pig Latin to English. If no argument is given, it will promp you to enter the phrases. If a text file is given, it will generate a text file with the traduction.
  • Example:
    ENGLISH: Spam, SPAM, Spam, Egg and Spam;
    PIG LATIN: Amspay, AMSPAY, Amspay, Eggyay andyay Amspay;
    ENGLISH: brandy and a fried egg on top and Spam
    PIG LATIN: andybray andyay ayay iedfray eggyay onyay
    optay andyay Amspay
    ENGLISH: 4G and spam
    PIG LATIN: 4G andyay amspay

Count Words

  • Script that analysis a given text file, and gives a complete evaoluation of the text in terms of nº of lines, nº of words with/without stopwords, dictionary of the file...

usage: [-h] [-s STOPWORDS] [-l] [-b] [-f] file [file ...]

  • positional arguments:
    file text file.
  • optional arguments:
    -h, --help show this help message and exit
    filename with the stopwords.
    -l, --lower lowercase all words before computing stats.
    -b, --bigram compute bigram stats.
    -f, --full show full stats.
    image image

Infinite Monkey

  • Infinite Monkey Theorem; States that a monkey hitting keys at random on a typewriter keyboard for an infinite amount of time will almost surely type any given text.
  • This script tries to do something like that, the objective is creating phrases by chosing random words form a dictionary of bigrmas/trigrams. The resaults are surprisingly good, as some phrases generated do make sense. -> Creates an index from the textfile. Default bigrams, however if in prompt tri is typed trigram indexer will be generated. -> Generates information from an index. -> Generates phrases from the index.
    monkey_lib -> Library for all the methods used.
