
This projects seeks to show the basics of graphic programming, and in particular how to place points in space, how to join them with segments and most importantly how to observe the scene from a particular viewpoint.

Primary LanguageC


This projects seeks to show the basics of graphic programming, and in particular how to place points in space, how to join them with segments and most importantly how to observe the scene from a particular viewpoint. It uses the library miniLibX, developed internally and includes the minimum necessary to open a window, light a pixel and deal with events linked to this window: keyboard, mouse and “expose”. Pretty much, this project introduces the events programming.

Getting Started


Run the following commands:

  • To compile
    • make
  • To remove objects:
    • make clean
  • To remove objects and binary file (program):
    • make fclean
  • To re-compile:
    • make re


To execute the program:

./fdf <fdf-file>

Try it!

Try running the following:

./fdf maps/test_maps/42.fdf

./fdf maps/test_maps/mars.fdf

./fdf maps/personal/panama.fdf


ScreenShots ScreenShots