
JP Morgan's Code4Good 2018, Autistica Challenge

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J.P. Morgan Code 4 Good: Hackathon

Team 21

Members: Oluwafemi Oladipo (myself); Lalitha Priya Bhupalam; Mehdi Naderi Varandi; Yavor Edipov; James Craster; Iurii Maksymets

Project Brief

Aim: Engage users better and streamline the resources usually needed for conducting a longitudinal study

Challenges for the client?

  1. Misdiagnosis of women – theorised that women are better at hiding social difficulties better a. Most autism studies were done on men, which makes it harder to understand how autism impacts women
  2. Reach a. Being able to reach more people would be fantastic

Roadmap for functions:

  1. Should have the ability to skip a question a. Extra points if its intuitive (e.g. swipe or flick it into a bin)
  2. Should have graphs to allow a user to see how their progress follows a. Refer to Daylio graphs. For example, user can see their progress over a few months
  3. Conduct machine learning/NLP on freeform answers in order to form insights from qualitative data
  4. Have the ability to change when the app notifies the user a. For example, user can set it to notify them never, once a week, once a month, etc
  5. Should have the ability to change the amount of information that appears
  6. Have some sort of way to see how women answer – there’s a huge misdiagnosis ratio (6 to 1), so pay critical attention to see how women answer
  7. Ensure that the solution is game-ified as much as possible a. For example, have a notice at the very end that says “you have contributed x amount of time to Autism research”