
A module for lazy GCP instance creation via Terraform.

Required Input Variables

  • github_user: A GitHub user to lookup allowed SSH keys

Optional Input Variables

  • attached_disks: List of disks to attach, default empty, each item is an object with attributes source and name
  • image: Image of the instance, default fedora-cloud/fedora-cloud-38
  • machine_type: Instance type, default e2-small
  • metadata: Metadata values
  • name: Name of the instance, random if null
  • network_name: Name of the instance's network, random if null
  • network_tier: Network tier for the instance, default STANDARD
  • on_host_maintenance: What to do during host maintenance, MIGRATE or TERMINATE, default TERMINATE
  • service_account_scopes: List of service account scopes, default ["cloud-platform"]
  • service_account: Optional service account to associate with the instance
  • size: Image size in GiB, default 10
  • spot: Is spot instance? default true
  • ssh_user: A user name to set for authorized SSH keys, defaults to github_user
  • subnetwork_name: Name of the instance's subnetwork, random if null
  • termination_action: Instance termination action, STOP or DELETE, defaults to DELETE

Example Usage


provider "google" {
  project = <project>
  zone    = <zone>

module "instance" {
  source  = "femnad/instance-module/gcp"
  version = "0.23.2"

  github_user     = "femnad"

  providers = {
    google = google