DISCLAIMER: As-of 2021, this product does not have a free support team anymore. If you want this product to be maintained, please support.
(This product is available under a free and permissive license, but needs financial support to sustain its continued improvements. In addition to maintenance and stability there are many desirable features yet to be added.)
This program will allow you to be notified of Github new releases
pip3 install github-release-notifier
usage: github-release-notifier [-h] [--action {cron,subscribe,unsubscribe}] [--package PACKAGE] [--webhook WEBHOOK] [--uuid UUID] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --action {cron,subscribe,unsubscribe}, -a {cron,subscribe,unsubscribe} Action to do (default: cron) --package PACKAGE, -p PACKAGE Github package name / url (required for subscribe/unsubscribe) - prints uuid on subscription --webhook WEBHOOK, -w WEBHOOK URL to your webhook (required for subscribe/unsubscribe) --uuid UUID, -u UUID UUID of your webhook (required for unsubscribe)
First, I register my webhook :
github-release-notifier --action subscribe --webhook https://example.com/updated --package jaymoulin/google-music-manager
an UUID is printed. this UUID will be required to unsubscribe the webhook.
When jaymoulin/google-music-manager releases a new version, https://example.com/updated will be called with HTTP method POST and body, a JSON like this :
{ "date": [2017, 11, 13, 19, 46, 35, 0, 317, 0], "version": "0.7.2", "title": "Fixes split modules", "content": "", "media": "https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/14236493?s=60&v=4", "author": "jaymoulin" "package_name": "jaymoulin/google-music-manager" }
For this to happen, the system should check if a new version have been released. We can do that by calling github-release-notifier without any parameter or setting --action to cron (which is default).
To automate this process, we could add this process in a cronjob:
(crontab -l ; echo "0 0 * * * github-release-notifier") | sort - | uniq - | crontab -
This will check every day at midnight if new versions have been released.
Environment variables can be defined to change default hooks or versions database files (plain json file)
GRN_VERSIONS_FILE: Path to saved versions (default: ${HOME}/.github_release_notifier/versions) GRN_HOOKS_FILE: Path to hooks configuration (default: ${HOME}/.github_release_notifier/hooks)
First run the daemon
docker run --name GRN -d femtopixel/github-release-notifier
you can mount a volume to /root/.github_release_notifier/ to keep tracks of webhooks and versions
docker run --name GRN -d -v /path/to/your/saves:/root/.github_release_notifier/ femtopixel/github-release-notifier
Then register your webhook :
docker exec GRN -a subscribe -p jaymoulin/google-music-manager -w https://example.com/updated
Bugs and feature request are tracked on GitHub
Jay MOULIN jaymoulin+github-release-notifier@gmail.com See also the list of contributors which participated in this program.
Github Release Notifier is licensed under the MIT License