
Epicodus Project - Ruby - practice with activerecord

Primary LanguageRuby

#Point of sale

##Make a point of sale (POS) system for a convenience store. A POS is a system that lets cashiers ring up customers for their purchases.

As a store manager, I want to add a new product to the POS, with its name and price, so that I can keep track of what we're selling.

As a store manager, I want to create logins for my cashiers, so I know who is responsible for ringing up which purchases.

As a cashier, I want to choose which products and how many of each a customer is purchasing, so that I can see what their total cost is.

As a customer, I want to see a receipt on the screen, so that I can make sure that the cashier rang me up correctly and told me the right total. I would like the cashier to be able to print out the receipt, but that ain't gonna happen ;)

As a store manager, I want to see the total amount of sales for a date range of my choosing, so that I can keep track of how much money I am making.

As a manager, I want to see number of customers each cashier has checked out in a date range of my choosing, so that I can see who is the most efficient.

As a customer, I want to be able to return items, so that I can bring back things I don't want.

As a store manager, I want to see which products are most popular, so I can order more of them.

As a store manager, I want to see which items are returned most often, so I can catch any quality problems.