
Epicodus Project - Rails - practice with minimal rails

Primary LanguageRuby

Wildlife tracker


The Forest Service is considering a proposal from a timber company to clear-cut an old-growth forest of virgin Douglas fir just outside of Portland. Before they give the go-ahead, they need to do an environmental impact study. They’ve asked you and your pair to build an app so that the rangers can report wildlife sightings.

  • Start out by letting users CRUD/L (create, read, update, destroy, list) species. (COMPLETE)

  • Next, allow them to input a sighting of an animal, along with the date, time, and location. (Hint: a species has many sightings.) Add CRUD functionality for these sightings. (COMPLETE)

  • Now, the area under consideration has been divided into several regions. Build out CRUD/L functionality for regions, and when a user reports a sighting, have them choose the region from a drop-down menu. (Hint: do a web search for html drop-down mdn.) (COMPLETE)

  • Now, let users run reports to list all the sightings during a given time period. (Work in progress)