All this code was just my hands on code from Udemy course Vue - The Complete Guide. You can use this repository to learn or refresh about Vue JS.
- Section 1 - Getting Started
- Section 2 - Basic and Core Concepts
- Course 3 - Interpolation and Data Binding
- Course 4 - Vue Bind Directive
- Course 5 - Vue Methods
- Course 7 - Vue HTML Raw
- Assignment 1 - Basic App
- Course 9 - Event Binding
- Course 10 - Event and Methods
- Course 12 - Using Native Event
- Course 13 - Event Modifier
- Assignment 2 - Event Binding
- Course 14 - Event and Data Binding
- Course 15 - Computed Property
- Course 16 - Watcher Property
- Assignment 3 - Reactivity
- Assignment 4 - Dynamic Styling
- Section 3 - Rendering Conditional Content and Lists
- Section 4 - Project RPG Game (Content unavailable)
- Section 5 - Vue Lifecycle