

  • install miniconda from

  • For windows, go to start menu, open Anaconda Prompt (Miniconda3), conda base enviroment should be activated. For other systems, open terminal

    # cmd prompt should be something like (base) C:\Users\..., indicating the base conda enviroment is activated now
    # install mamba to base enviroment
    conda install -c conda-forge mamba
    # create seprate enviroment with caiman by manba (this installation from caiman official guide)
    mamba create -n bmi -c conda-forge caiman
    # switch to bmi enviroment
    conda deactivate   # exit base
    conda activate bmi  # enter bmi
    # some other conda stuff
    # to list current installed packages:
    conda list
    # to update conda
    conda update --all -y
    # to remove outdated conda packages
    conda clean --all -y
  • install other enviroment for python

    # make sure we are in bmi enviroment (conda activate bmi)
    # this will install packages for python
    conda install -c conda-forge pyside2 opencv pandas scipy comtypes
    # to show that PySide2 is successfully installed
    conda list    # will show something like  pyside2                   5.13.1           py38ha8f7116_6    conda-forge
    # install hnccorr package (it requires Micorsoft Visual C++ build tools)
    pip install hnccorr
  • install pytorch with CUDA, you can get command from

  • install your ide, I am using pycharm, it's free.

  • download source code

  • open the obmi folder with pycharm, In Preferences of pycharm, set the Project Interpreter to our bmi enviroment (add python interpreter -> conda enviroment -> existing enviroment, our bmi should be there). open src/, open context menu (right click), click 'Run main'.