The main role of the project:
- CMake's usage
- function
- macro
- cmake_parse_arguments
- find_library
- find_path
- find_file
- find_program
- find_package
- cmake_policy
- cmake_minimum_required
- project
- include
- string
- list
- set/unset
- foreach
- message
- option/cmake_dependent_option
- if
- while/continue/break
- return
- math
- file
- configure_file
- include_directories
- add_executable
- add_library
- target_link_libraries
- install
- target_sources
- add_custom_command
- add_custom_target
- add_subdirectory
- aux_source_directory
- set_property/get_property
- set_target_properties/get_target_property
- define_property
- add_definitions/add_compile_definitions
- target_compile_definitions
- target_compile_features
- add_compile_options/target_compile_options
- target_include_directories
- link_directories/target_link_directories
- link_libraries
- target_precompile_headers
- cmake_host_system_information
- Make's usage
- Shell's usage
- Multi-thread's usage
- Multi-process's usage
- named pipe
- UNIX domain socket
- shared memory
- Socket's usage
- Special usage of C/C++ under Linux
- GNU AWK's usage
- Implementation of C++ Standard Template Library
- pair
- string
- vector
- Conan's usage
- Hook's usage
CMake Blog: fengbingchun
Make Blog: fengbingchun
Shell Blog: fengbingchun
Multi-thread/Multi-process Blog: fengbingchun
Socket Blog: fengbingchun