Returns the index based on the array weight probability.
npm i randombyweights
@param {Array} Probabilitys
@return {Number} Index
const randomByWeights = require('randombyweights');
let randomIndex = randombyweights([3,4,5]); // 0:3/12 1:4/12 2:5/12
[1, 1, 1] Return the index 0,1,2 Probability is equal, both are 1/3.
[5, 1, 3] Return the index 0 probability is 5/9, 1 probability is 1/9, 2 probability is 3/9.
[2, 94, 3, 1] Returns the index 0 probability is 2%, 1 probability is 94%, 2 probability is 3%, 3 probability is 1%.
[0.02, 0.94, 0.03, 0.01] is equivalent to the above [2, 94, 3, 1] (related to the ratio)
Note: not array returns -1 and weight sum is 0 (eg [0, 0, 0]) returns -1