
Pytoch implementation of rankCNN for brain disease prognosis

The code was written by Hezhe Qiao and Dr. Lin Chen, Department of Radiology at Chongqing Institute of Green\
 and Intelligent Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. 
  1. Introduction

  2. Prerequisites Linux python 3.7 Pytorch version 1.2.0 NVIDIA GPU + CUDA CuDNN (CPU mode, untested) Cuda version 10.0.61

3.Dataset The dataset used in this study was obtained from the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) that is avaiable at . SID and IMAGE_ID in this file can be used to find the corresponding subjects and MRIs. MMSE at four time points are also avaiable in ADNIMERGE_ADNI1 and ADNIMERGE_ADNI1

4.Pre-process All MRIs were prepocessed by a standard pipeline in CAT12 toolbox which is avaiable at http://dbm,

5.Note Please cite our paper if you use this code in your own work.