GADBench: Revisiting and Benchmarking Supervised Graph Anomaly Detection

Environment Setup

Before you begin, ensure that you have Anaconda or Miniconda installed on your system. This guide assumes the use of a CUDA-enabled GPU.

# Create and activate a new Conda environment named 'GADBench'
conda create -n GADBench
conda activate GADBench

# Install PyTorch, torchvision, torchaudio, and DGL with CUDA 11.7 support
# If your CUDA version is different, please refer to the PyTorch and DGL websites for the appropriate versions.
conda install pytorch==1.13.1 torchvision==0.14.1 torchaudio==0.13.1 -c pytorch -c nvidia
conda install -c dglteam/label/cu117 dgl

# Install additional dependencies
conda install pip
pip install xgboost pyod scikit-learn simpy

Dataset Preparation

GADBench utilizes 10 different datasets. Download these datasets from the provided google drive link. After downloading, unzip all the files into a folder named dataset within the GADBench directory. Additionally, GADBench includes an example dataset named `reddit', which does not require manual downloading.


With Default Hyperparameters

Benchmark the GCN model on the Reddit dataset with the fully-supervised setting (single trial).

python --trial 1 --datasets 0 --model GCN

Benchmark all 23 models on all 10 datasets in the semi-supervised setting (10 trials). This reproduces Figure 1 and Table 7 from the paper.

python --trial 10 --semi_supervised 1

Benchmark all 23 models on all 10 datasets in the fully-supervised setting (10 trials). This reproduces Figure 1 and Table 8 from the paper.

python --trial 10

Using Optimal Hyperparameters through Random Search

Perform a random search of hyperparameters for the GCN model on the Reddit dataset in the fully-supervised setting (100 trials).

python --trial 100 --datasets 0 --model GCN

Perform a random search of hyperparameters for all 23 models on all 10 datasets in the fully-supervised setting (100 trials). This reproduces Tables 4 and 9 from the paper.

python --trial 100

Please refer to the code for more information on additional options and parameters.