
A voice-to-voice conversation with ChatGPT. Support for talking through a NAO robot

Primary LanguagePython


This is a repo for performing natural language conversations via ChatGPT through a NAO robot using an external computer and micropohone.


Create a new python virtual environemnt using python >= 3.8 and install the requirements. This can be done via the following terminal commands:

windows > py -3.11 -m venv env
windows > .\env\Scripts\activate
windows > pip install -r requirements.txt

linux > python3 -m venv env
linux > source env/bin/activate
linux > pip install -r requirement.txt

To later exit the python environment, use the terminal command deactivate.

Go to https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys and create a new API key. Save this key in a new file called openai.key.

If you intend to listen to the audio through your computer, you also need to install FFmpeg. See how on their webpage.

NAO Setup

If you're intending to use this with a NAO a linux system is required.

First, if not already pre-installed install Python2. Then two directories have to be collected.

Download Choregrapher, uncompress the files and rename the directory choregrapher. Place it in this directory.

linux > wget https://community-static.aldebaran.com/resources/
linux > tar -xf choregraphe-suite-
linux > mv choregraphe-suite- choregrapher
linux > rm choregraphe-suite-

Download PyNaoQI, uncompress the files and rename the directory pynaoqi. Place it in this directory.

linux > wget https://community-static.aldebaran.com/resources/
linux > tar -xf pynaoqi-python2.7-
linux > mv pynaoqi-python2.7- pynaoqi
linux > rm pynaoqi-python2.7-


main.py implements a flexible system of premade configs. For further details on how to make your own, see configs/README.md.

You can test the default via simply running main.py. This will let you talk to ChatGPT in the terminal.

> python main.py

You can also swap config via setting the config parameter when calling. The following will give you an instance that only greets you, and only when you greet it first.

> python main.py config=greeter

Each config file consists of parameters. You can change these during the call to main.py. This changes the mood and name of the default assistant.

> python main.py config=default name=Bob mood='southern and cheerfull'

Three notworthy parameters you can set for any config are:

  • talker=speaker to use your computers speaker,
  • listener=mic to use your computers microphone or
  • talker=NAO and ip=123.456.789 (replaced with your NAO-IP) to talk from a NAO robot.