
Run MAME easily, automatic download and setup for binaries and ROMs from archive.org

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Run MAME easily, just download this and run.

Automatically downloads all MAME binaries (from github.com) and ROMs (from archive.org) on the fly.

Built in web UI just click image and wait.

You can also use the command line just enter machine / software short name.


Installation & Usage

  • create an empty directory e.g. "C:\MameAO"
  • download latest release ZIP from https://github.com/sam-ludlow/mame-ao/releases/latest
  • put ZIP in empty directory and extract
  • double click "mame-ao.exe"
  • wait for the MAME Shell to start
  • use the Web UI it will pop up
  • or use command line, enter a machine name and press enter e.g. mrdo

TIP: Run command .upany to self update program, this will stop the microsoft defender notice.

Important notes

  • The first time you run it will take a while and use a lot of CPU & RAM.
  • Extracting the XML from MAME and converting to SQLite takes some doing.
  • Please be patient, subsequent runs will not.
  • Version bumps in MAME or MAME-AO will trigger database re-creation.


After mame-ao has fully started the web UI will apear in the default browser. You can access it at http://localhost:12380/.

Just click on an image to start the machine. Select machine query profiles using the top menu.

If the machine has software it will be listed, you can change software list using the top menu, click what you want to run.

UI background colour will change to orange when mame-ao is working. You can click on the mame-ao console window to see what it's doing.

System requirements

  • Windows with .net framework 4.8
  • 32 bit / 64 bit (application is 32 bit keeps RAM usage down)
  • 2 Gb RAM free
  • 2 Gb DISK free (absolute minimum)

Reporting issues


Symbolic Links - Save disk space

When MAME-AO downloads assets it keeps them in a "hash store", this makes keeping account of them very simple, you don’t have to keep grooming a bunch of ZIP files.

Obviously for MAME to run the ROMs have to be in the right place with the right name, so they need duplicating from the store. The best way to do this is use symbolic links, these use virtually zero disk space and point to the actual file in the store, otherwise you have to copy the files wasting diskspace.

To be able to create symbolic links you have to grant permission.

  • Run "secpol" (Local Security Policy) as Administrator. Do a Windows search for "secpol" click "Run as administrator".
  • Go to "Local Policies\User Rights Assignment\Create symbolic links"
  • Add the required user or group. Enter your username, click the "Check Names" button to check it is correct.
  • You will need to re-start for settings to take effect.

MAME Quick usage help

Here are some quick MAME usage notes. For more detail see the official docs. https://docs.mamedev.org/usingmame/usingmame.html

MAME Keyboard controls

NOTE: Machines that emulate keyboards will take over, use Scroll Lock to toggle between standard MAME controls and full keyboard.

You should use a joystick but you will need a few keyboard commands. Full keyboard docs here https://docs.mamedev.org/usingmame/defaultkeys.html

  • Player 1 Coin Up: 5
  • Player 1 Start: 1

NOTE: Other players continue along, coin: 5, 6, 7, 8 start: 1, 2, 3, 4

  • Player 1 Joystick: Cursor keys

  • Player 1 Button 1: Left Ctrl

  • Player 1 Button 2: Left Alt

  • Player 1 Button 3: Spacebar

  • Main Menu - TAB

  • Pause - P

  • Service Mode: F2

  • Save Saved State: F6

  • Load Saved State: F7

NOTE: When saving state you have to then press another key or button to name the save, so you can have many.

  • Snap Screen: F12

  • Exit MAME: ESC

  • Keyboard UI controls OR full keyboard : Scroll Lock


When starting MAME without a machine you will get the MAME UI.

Use the mouse or Cursor keys and Enter to navigate.

Use Tab to move between windows.

The available filter (top left) is very handy when running previous MAME versions, use the mouse or Tab to get to the filters.

NOTE: Selecting machines that have software will then take you to the software lists, you can use the same available filter trick.

Settings - User Preferences

You can configure optional settings from the UI page http://localhost:12380/settings

MAME-AO Settings

Shell / Console

From the shell you normally just enter machine name and maybe software name.

There are also commands available they all start with a dot .

  • . - Run current MAME without a machine (start MAME UI) you can also pass arguments to MAME
  • .0255 - Run a previous version of MAME, you can still pass the machine and software but MAME-AO will not place assets in previous versions, you are better off not passing the machine and use the MAME UI with the available filter.
  • .readme - Show the mame-ao README on github.com
  • .list - Show all saved state across all MAME versions, previous MAME versions will also be listed even without saved state.
  • .up - Self update MAME-AO to the latest on GitHub
  • .upany - Self update MAME-AO anyway even if up to date, this can be used to clear the Windows Defender warning on first install.
  • .report - Run reports, see reports section
  • .import - Run the import function, see import section
  • .export - Run the export function, see export section
  • .snap - Run the snapshot collection function, see snapshots section
  • .valid - Validate the hash store, see validate store section
  • .svg - Convert bitmaps to SVG, see SVG section
  • .what - View current MAME whatsnew.txt in default browser.
  • .ui - Launch the UI in default browser.
  • .r - Reload UI.html usfull when developing the UI.
  • .dbm - Machine database SQL query
  • .dbs - Software database SQL query

Saved State and previous MAME versions

Saved state often does not work between MAME versions. If you have started something with saved state you should continue to run the same MAME version.

MAME-AO leaves previous MAME versions isolated in their own directory. You can easily list all saved stated across all previous and current MAME versions with the command .list.

You can start a particular version of MAME with the command .VVVV where V is the version e.g. .0252 or pass arguments e.g. .0252 mrdo -window.

NOTE: MAME-AO only allows placing of assets in current MAME version. Any machine you ran before in previous MAME versions will already have all assets in place.

You can list saved state in the UI. The link will start the chosen MAME version without any machine, select machine & software in the MAME UI, use the available filter (top left).

Sometimes a regression in MAME will break a machine in the current version, so if a machine doesn't work after updating MAME you can run a previous version.


MAME-AO is all about downloading files on the fly and not bothering the user with the details.

If you have already downloaded ROM & CHD files you can feed them to MAME-AO into its "hash store" with the import function. MAME-AO will still place them as normal.

This makes sense for large files, or files that are not available on archive.org (in the sources used). You can download them on the side using whatever method you prefer.

Use the following command to perform an import

.import <directory>

Files are imported based on their filename extension.

  • .ZIP – Archives will be extracted and imported with the same rules, this is recursive (ZIPs in ZIPs... will also be imported).
  • .CHD – Disk files, will have chdman.exe run against them to determine the SHA1.
  • Everything else – Considered a ROM, a hash of the file to determine the SHA1.

Important notes on import

  • Filenames are not important, except the extention, the file will be imported based on its SHA1.
  • Files will not be imported if its SHA1 is not in the current MAME version.
  • Only .ZIP archives will be extracted, other archive formats (.7z, .rar, ...) will be considered ROMs and not work. If you have these extract them manually to the import directory.


If you want to use the downloaded assets (ROMs & DISKs) anywhere other than MAME-AO you probably aren't that happy with the way it stores files. Hash stores, no ZIPs, uncompressed ROMs or symbolic links, oh dear what am I supposed to do with those?

Well that's what the export command is for use it like so:

.export <type> <directory>

For example .export mr C:\My MAME ROMs

Type can be:

  • MR : Machine ROM
  • MD : Machine DISK
  • SR : Software ROM
  • SD : Software DISK
  • * : Everything

Everything it can will be exported to the specified directory, based on the current MAME version.

Machine ROMs will be in split-set format (separate parent ZIP & child diff ZIPs). If anything is missing the ZIP will not be created.

Machine DISKs that exist in a parent machine will not be exported, as the file would be duplicated.

A HTML report will be created containing details of the export.

Validate Store

You can check the hash store is in good order using the following commands:

  • .valid rom - Validate the ROM Hash Store, each file will be SHA1 hashed and compared to the filename.
  • .valid disk - Validate the DISK Hash Store, each file will have the SHA1 checked with chdman.exe and compared to the filename.
  • .valid diskv - Validate the DISK Hash Store, each file will have the SHA1 verified with chdman.exe and compared to the filename. WARNING: This can take a while, each CHD will have its SHA1 calculated to verify it is correct.

If any issues are found a report will be produced, if all good then no report. Any problem files in the report should be manually deleted.

You shouldn't really need to do this, only if you are unsure about integrity like after a power cut or recovering from a bad disk.


Within MAME you can hit F12 to take a snapshot of the screen, dumped out at the machine's native resolution.

You can use the snap feature to collect the snaps within the MAME directory and move them to a specified directory. Files are named like so:

[mame machine].[mame version].[time stamp].[mame filename].png

You can run from the UI or use the command:

.snap <target directory>


Some MAME-AO functions will produce HTML reports, so you can see what it's been doing

There are several informational reports that you can run from the UI or with the command .report <type>

Use the .report command without any arguments to list available reports.

When the report has finished running it will pop up in the browser.

You can list previous created reports in the UI or have a look in the _REPORTS directory.


Convert bitmaps (from snapshots) into Scalable Vector Graphics format.


You can run from the UI or use the command, single file or all files in a directory:

.svg <filename or directory>

MAME Data Operations

MAME-AO has the capability to perform various MAME Data operations by passing command line options when starting the program, it will exit immediately when finished.

These may be used for generating data sets in various formats, you could use it for data processing pipelines for example automatically updating a database when MAME is updated.

You have to get MAME first, all the data formats require XML to start with. If the operation has already been performed (file already exists) nothing will hapern.

You can specify a specific version e.g. VERSION=0250 or use VERSION=0 to mean the latest avaialable.


Download and extract the MAME binaries from GitHub, needed to extract the XML.

If a new version is found the processes exit code will be set to 1.



The native format output from the MAME binary, you need this first.



Convert XML to JSON.



Convert XML to SQLite.


Microsoft SQL

Convert XML to Microsoft SQL.

mame-ao.exe OPERATION=MAKE_MSSQL VERSION=0 DIRECTORY="C:\My MAME Data" MSSQL_SERVER="Data Source='MYSERVER';Integrated Security=True;TrustServerCertificate=True;" MSSQL_TARGET_NAMES="MameAoMachine, MameAoSoftware"

Microsoft SQL - Make Payload Tables (XML & JSON)

Create payload tables for machine, softwarelist, and software. Create XML & JSON payloads.

mame-ao.exe OPERATION=MAME_MSSQL_PAYLOADS VERSION=0 DIRECTORY="C:\My MAME Data" MSSQL_SERVER="Data Source='MYSERVER';Integrated Security=True;TrustServerCertificate=True;" MSSQL_TARGET_NAMES="MameAoMachine, MameAoSoftware"

Microsoft SQL - Make HTML Payloads

Create HTML payloads for machine, softwarelist, and software.

mame-ao.exe OPERATION=MAME_MSSQL_PAYLOADS_HTML DIRECTORY="C:\My MAME Data" MSSQL_SERVER="Data Source='MYSERVER';Integrated Security=True;TrustServerCertificate=True;" MSSQL_TARGET_NAMES="MameAoMachine, MameAoSoftware"

Internal Workings


Assets (ROMs & CHDs) are downloaded to a "Hash Store". Uncompressed individual files are stored with a filename that is the SHA1 of the file. This is completely separate to the MAME rom directories. ZIP files are not used at all.

Each MAME version is kept completely isolated, when a new version of MAME is used a fresh MAME directory is created. Previous versions are left in place, you can go back to them anytime, let’s say you have some saved state (these often don’t work with different MAME versions).

When you select a machine MAME-AO will download the files from archive.org if they are not already in the Hash Store. When in the Hash Store the files are copied (or preferably linked if enabled) to the correct place in the MAME rom directory.


SQLite databases are generated from the MAME XML output, 2 databases machine & software. This uses quiet a bit of CPU & RAM but once done is quick to load next time. If MAME-AO or MAME have version bumps the database will be re-created.

GitHub.com Repos

GitHub is used for downloading the MAME release binaries, self updating MAME-AO, and other datasets external to MAME (not in the built in XML)

Genres INI


Samples XML


Artwork XML

See information on the GitHub Repos in use by MAME-AO by going to the About page. http://localhost:12380/about

MAME-AO About - GitHub Repos

Archive.org Items

Archive.org is used for downloading MAME assets of these types:

  • Machine ROM (version master)
  • Machine DISK
  • Software ROM
  • Software DISK (uses many archive.org items)
  • Support (Artwork & Samples)

Archive.org metadata is downloaded when needed and cached, used to know what’s available and the file sizes.

Machine ROM is considered the version master, new MAME binaries will only be used that match the version in this archive.org item, determined from the title.

All asset types have a single archive.org item with the exception of Software Disks these use multiple items on archive.org.

See information on the Archive.org Items in use by MAME-AO by going to the About page. http://localhost:12380/about

MAME-AO About - Archive.org Items

You can run Source Exists reports to see if the items are missing anything.



Emulator software https://www.mamedev.org/ https://github.com/mamedev/mame


Asset download https://archive.org/

Antonio Paradossi

Images https://www.progettosnaps.net/snapshots/ https://github.com/AntoPISA/MAME_SnapTitles

Artwork & Samples https://www.progettosnaps.net/artworks/ https://www.progettosnaps.net/samples/ https://github.com/AntoPISA/MAME_Dats

Genre Data https://www.progettosnaps.net/catver/ https://github.com/AntoPISA/MAME_SupportFiles


JSON Library https://www.newtonsoft.com/json


SQL Database https://www.sqlite.org/

Spludlow MAME

Image hosting https://mame.spludlow.co.uk/