
Rusty Hypervisor - Windows UEFI Blue Pill Type-1 Hypervisor in Rust (Codename: Illusion)

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

Windows UEFI Blue Pill Type-1 Hypervisor in Rust (Codename: Illusion)

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A lightweight, memory-safe, and blazingly fast Rust-based type-1 research hypervisor with hooks for Intel VT-x, focused on studying the core concepts of virtualization.

Note: The Illusion hypervisor (Windows UEFI Blue Pill Type-1 Hypervisor in Rust) is more stable, supports more features, and is overall better designed. The Matrix hypervisor (Windows Kernel Blue Pill Type-2 Hypervisor in Rust) is an older, experimental version and is not intended for production use. Both projects serve as templates to help people get started with hypervisor development in Rust.


PatchGuard Compatible Features

  • ✅ Hidden System Call (Syscall) Hooks Via System Service Descriptor Table (SSDT).
  • ✅ Hidden Kernel Inline Hooks.
  • ✅ Hidden Model Specific Registers (MSR) Hooks.
  • ❌ Hidden Interrupt Descriptor Table (IDT) Hooks.
  • ❌ Hidden Hardware Debug Register Breakpoints.

Processor-Specific Features

  • ✅ Extended Page Tables (EPT).
  • ✅ Memory Type Range Registers (MTRRs).
  • ❌ Intel Processor Trace (PT).

Microsoft Hyper-V Compatible Features

  • ❌ Support for running as a nested hypervisor under Microsoft Hyper-V (Type-2) with Virtualization Based Security (VBS) Enabled.
  • ❌ Support for running as the primary hypervisor on top of Microsoft Hyper-V (Type-1) with Virtualization Based Security (VBS) Enabled.

VM Exit Handling

  • ✅ VM Exit Handling: ExceptionOrNmi (#GP, #PF, #BP, #UD) (0), InitSignal (3), StartupIpi (4), Cpuid (10), Getsec (11), Hlt (12), Invd (13), Vmcall (18), Vmclear (19), Vmlaunch (20), Vmptrld (21), Vmptrst (22), Vmresume (24), Vmxon (27), Vmxoff (26), Rdmsr (31), Wrmsr (32), MonitorTrapFlag (37), Rdtsc (49), EptViolation (48), EptMisconfiguration (50), Invept (53), Invvpid (55), Xsetbv (55).

Hypervisor Detection

  • ❌ Neither basic nor advanced techniques to evade hypervisor detection will be implemented in the public version of this hypervisor.

Supported Hardware

  • ✅ Intel processors with VT-x and Extended Page Tables (EPT) support.
  • ❌ AMD processors with AMD-V (SVM) and Nested Page Tables (NPT) support.

Supported Platforms

  • ✅ Windows 10 - Windows 11, x64 only.


  • Install Rust from here.
  • Install cargo-make: cargo install cargo-make.

Building the Project

  • Debug: cargo make build-debug.
  • Release: cargo make build-release.


  1. Build the Project

    Follow the build instructions provided in the previous sections to compile the project.

  2. Set Up VMware Workstation

    Configure VMware Workstation to boot into the firmware setup on the next boot and to use the physical USB drive as the boot device:

    • Add a Hard Disk:
      • Go to VM -> Settings -> Hardware -> Add -> Hard Disk -> Next -> SCSI or NVMe (Recommended) -> Next -> Use a physical disk (for advanced users) -> Next -> Device: PhysicalDrive1 and Usage: Use entire disk -> Next -> Finish.
    • Add a Serial Port:
      • Go to VM -> Settings -> Add Serial Port -> Finish.
      • Select Use output file: C:\Users\memN0ps\Documents\GitHub\illusion-rs\logs.txt to direct the Serial Port output from COM1 to the logs.txt file. (You can choose any location, but the preference is within the project directory).
    • Boot Options:
      • If you're not using the automated PowerShell script, start the VM by clicking Power On to Firmware.
      • Select Internal Shell (Unsupported option) or EFI VMware Virtual SCSI Hard Drive (1.0).
  3. Run the PowerShell Script

    Execute the following PowerShell script to automate the setup process. Make sure to modify the paths according to your environment.

    ### Change paths according to your environment ###
    # Set build type to either 'debug' or 'release'
    $buildType = "debug" # Use this line for a debug build
    # $buildType = "release" # Uncomment this line and comment the above for a release build
    # Define the file path to copy all EFI files based on the build type
    $efiFilePaths = ".\target\x86_64-unknown-uefi\$buildType\*.efi"
    # Define the destination path on the USB drive D:\
    $usbFilePath = "D:\"
    # Define the path to the VMX file
    $vmxPath = "C:\Users\memN0ps\Documents\Virtual Machines\Class_Windows\Class_Windows.vmx"
    # Define the path to the vmrun.exe file
    $vmrunPath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\vmrun.exe"
    # Define the path to the log file
    $logFilePath = ".\logs.txt"
    # Copy all EFI applications to the D:\ drive
    Copy-Item -Path $efiFilePaths -Destination $usbFilePath
    # Print the contents of the D:\ drive to verify the copy operation
    Get-ChildItem -Path D:\ -Recurse
    # Append configuration to the VMX file for booting into firmware setup on next boot
    Add-Content -Path $vmxPath -Value "bios.forceSetupOnce = `"TRUE`""
    # Check if the log file exists and delete it if it does
    if (Test-Path $logFilePath) {
        Remove-Item $logFilePath -Force
        Write-Host "Log file $logFilePath deleted."
    # Start the VMware VM and open the GUI. Attempt to boot to firmware (if supported).
    & "$vmrunPath" -T ws start "$vmxPath" gui
    # Wait for the log file to be created (e.g., by another process) before proceeding to tail it
    while (-not (Test-Path $logFilePath)) {
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
        Write-Host "Waiting for log file to be created..."
    # Tail the log file to display live updates from the start
    Write-Host "Monitoring log file from the start for updates..."
    Get-Content -Path $logFilePath -Wait

VMware Workstation Boot Options

  1. Navigate to the USB Drive

    In the UEFI Shell, navigate to the USB drive and run the loader.efi file.

VMware Workstation UEFI Shell

  1. Start the Hypervisor

    The hypervisor will start, followed by the Windows Boot Manager (bootmgfw.efi) to boot into Windows.

  2. Interact with the Hypervisor

    Once Windows boots, use client.exe to interact with the hypervisor and perform various operations, such as Hidden EPT hooks.

Acknowledgments, References, and Motivation

Big thanks to the amazing people and resources that have shaped this project. A special shout-out to everyone listed below. While I didn't use all these resources in my work, they've been goldmines of information, super helpful for anyone diving into hypervisor development, including me.

Community and Technical Resources

Helpers and Collaborators

Special thanks to:


This project is licensed under the MIT License. For more information, see the MIT License details.