
Algorithm related programs

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Introduction to Algorithm Repository

0. Overview

0.1 Implementation details

  1. Dictionaries/HashMaps/HashSets may not be the solution we're looking for, so I haven't used Hash Table in the current implementation. We're always exploring an alternative solution that does not rely on the expected O(1) performance of operations involving a hash table. Well, the reason behind this is simply that this is an algorithm-based repository, not project-based one. We're eager for finding a cleverer and more amazing algorithm and data structure to solve the problem.
  2. For computational geometry. Java is not that good at visualizing 3D scenario, so I thinking of not using Java when digging into 3D or higher-dimensions scenario. ( but there is indeed a 3D Java library )

0.2 updating plans

  1. Bitonic sort in parallel.
  2. In-switch anomaly detection using programmable switch.
  3. TCP, Transmission Control Protocol
  4. Ten programming assignments from Tsinghua Computational Geometry at edX

1. Algorithm

1.1 Computational Geometry

Only support 2-dimensional scenario.

1.1.1 Numerical Tests

Description Entry method
toLeft test boolean toLeft( Vector base1, Vector base2, Vector point )
inCircle test double inCircle( Vector a, Vector b, Vector c, Vector p )

1.1.2 Convex Hull

Description Entry method\File
Graham's Scan List<Vector> grahamScan( List<Vector> points )
Brute force List<Vector> slowConvexHull( List<Vector> points )
Program ( including visualization ) CG2017 PA1-1 Convex Hull / CG2017 PA5-2 Dynamic Convex Hull

1.1.3 Geometric Intersection

Description Entry method\File
Line and line Vector lineIntersect( Line l )
Segment and segment Vector segmentIntersect( Line l )
Segment and Circle Vector[] segmentCircle( Segment s, Circle c )
Line and Circle Line lineCircleIntersect( Line line, Circle circle )
Brute Force List<Vector> bruteForce( List<E> S )
Bentley Ottmann's algrithom( Intersection Of segment, ray, line and Circle ) List<EventPoint2D> findIntersection( List<IntersectionShape> S )
Program ( including visualization ) CG2017 PA1-2 Crossroad

1.1.4 Triangulation

Description Entry method\File
Partionting monotone polygons List<Face> makeMonotone( List<Vertex> vertices )
Triangulation List<Face> triangulate( List<Face> monotonePolygons )
BFS in a dual graph void BFS( int sizeOfGraph, DualVertex start, DualVertex end )
Funnel algorithm List<Vector> Funnel( DualVertex startTriangle, Vector startPoint, Vector endPoint )
Program ( including visualization ) CG2017 PA2-1 Shortest Path in The Room
Pedagogical Aid Webpage Pedagogical Aid of Triangulation

1.1.5 Voronoi Diagrams

Description Entry method\File
Build Voronoi Diagrams BoundingBox voronoiDiagrams( List<Vector> P )
Find on which cell ( Voronoi Face ) the query point is. List<Face> findCell( SearchVertex v, Vector p )
Generate segments from Voronoi edges to compute the trapezoidal Map of the Voronoi Diagrams. List<Line> getSegments( BoundingBox b )
Program ( including visualization ) CG2017 PA2-2 Find Dancing Partners

1.1.6 Delaunay Triangualtion

Description Entry method\File
Build Delaunay Triangulation Face delaunayTriangulation( List<Vertex> P )
Find a triangle piPjPk ∈ T containing pr. DelaunayVertex get( Vector pr )
Program ( including visualization ) CG2017 PA3-1 Delaunay Triangulation

1.1.7 Point Location

Description Entry method\File
Build trapezoidal Map and search structure BoundingBox trapezoidalMap( List<Line> S, , List<Vector> Q )
Point Locatoin SearchVertex get( Vector p )
Program ( including visualization ) CG2017 PA3-2 Which wall are you looking at

1.1.8 Orthogonal Range Query

Description Entry method\File
Build Kd-tree KdNode build( List<Vector> P, int d )
2D Range Query in Kd-tree List<Vector> query( List<Vector> R )
Build Range Tree RangeNode build( List<Vector> P )
1D Range Query in Range Tree List<Vector> query1D( List<Vector> R )
2D Range Query in Range Tree List<Vector> query2D( String[] R )
Build layered range tree with fractional cascading, List<LayerNode> build( RangeNode n )
2D Range Query in Layered Range Tree List<Vector> query( String[] R )
Program ( including visualization ) CG2017 PA4-1 Planar Range Query

1.1.9 Orthogonal Windowing Query

Description Entry method\File
Build Interval Tree IntervalNode build( List<LineNode> I )
Stabbing query with Interval Tree List<Line> query( Vector q )
Build Interval Tree combing Range Tree IntervalRangeNode build( List<LineNode> I )
Windowing query in Interval Range Tree List<Line> query( List<Vector> R )
Build Interval Tree combing Priority Search Tree PriorityNode build( List<LineNode> I )
Windowing query in Priority Interval Tree List<Vector> query( QueryVector[] R )
Build Segment Tree SegmentNode build( List<Interval> I )
Stabbing query with Segment Tree List<Line> query( Vector q )
Build Segment Tree combing Range Tree SegmentRangeNode build( List<Interval> I )
Windowing query in Segment Range Tree List<Line> query( List<Vector> R )
Program ( including visualization ) CG2017 PA4-2 Orthogonal Windowing Query

1.1.10 MapOverlay & Boolean Operations

Description Entry method\File
Computing the overlay of two subdivisions Face compute( Face s1, Face s2 )
Compute the intersection of two subdivisions, P1 ∩ P2. List<Face> intersection( Face s1, Face s2 )
Compute the union of two subdivisions, P1 ∪ P2, List<Face> union( Face s1, Face s2 )
Compute the difference of two subdivisions, P1 \ P2. List<Face> difference( Face s1, Face s2 )

1.1.11 Half-plane Intersection

Description Entry method\File
Compute half-plane intersection. void intersect( List<HalfPlane> H )
Get current result type. Type getResultType()
Program ( including visualization ) CG2017 PA5-2 FruitNinja

1.1.12 Duality

Description Entry method\File
Transform this point in the primary plane into the dual plane, point to line. Line toDuality()
Transform this point in the dual plane into the primary plane, point to line. Line fromDuality()
Transform this line in the primary plane into the dual plane, line to point. Vector toDuality()

1.2 POJ

Problem Description Entry File
Subsequence(ID 3061) Two approaches, binary search and ruler Subsequence.java
Face The Right Way(ID 3276) One approach, switch FaceTheRightWay.java

1.3 Sorting

Description Entry method\File
Counting sort void countingSort( List<NumberRadix> numbers, ... )
Radix sort List<NumberRadix> radixSort( long[] arr, int radix )
Insertion sort void insertionSort( List<E> arrayToSort )
Merge sort List<E> mergeSort( List<E> arrayToSort )
Bucket sort void bucketSort( List<Double> arrayToSort )

1.4 Graph

Description Entry method\File
Breath First Search, BFS void BFS( int sizeOfGraph, Vertex start, Vertex end )
Depth Frist Search, DFS int DFS( Vertex vertex, boolean[] visited )
DFS in Haskell dfs :: ( Ix i ) => Graph i -> [ Vertex i ] -> Forest ( Vertex i )
Bellman Ford( Constricted to make only one edge of progress at a given step) void constrictedBellmanFord( Graph<ShortestVertex> aGraph ... )
Find the max flow in a internet flow int findMaxFlow( InternetFlowVertex start )
Get all matching from a bipartite matching List<List<InternetFlowVertex>> getAllMatching()

1.5 Animation

1.5.1 keyframing

Description Entry File/Link
keyframing KeyFraming
Linear Interpolation static LinearInterpolation
Spherical Linear Interpolation static slerp
Animation Program index.html
Example Video Bilibili

1.5.2 Collision System

Description Entry File/Link
Collision Object CollidingObject
Detect collision and trackback to the point where the first collision happens static detectCollision
Binary Search to find the point where the first collision happens static __binarySearchCollision
Find collided objects( brute force ) static __isColliding
Animation Program - Billiards index.html
Example Video Bilibili

1.5.3 Motion Capture System

Description Entry File/Link
Set up Articulated Figures from the Skeleton in three.js static setupShapes
Animate Hierarchical Models static orientBone
Animation Program index.html
Example Video Bilibili

1.5.4 Particle System

Description Entry File/Link
Particle System ParticleSystem
Get random Unit Vector3 bounded by a given Cone. randomUnitVector3InCone
Animation Program - comet index.html
Animation Program - Static wall and gravity applied SaticWall.html
Example Video Bilibili

1.6 Networking

1.6.1 Packet Analysis

Description Entry File/Link
Wireshark-like program(IPV4 packet analysis) Pktsniffer.java
Documentation Instructions for Project 1

1.6.2 RIP

Description Entry File/Link
RIP, Routing Information Protocol RIP.java
Documentation Instructions for Project 2

1.6.3 TCP

Description Entry File/Link
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) using self-implemented TCP. MyFTP.java
TCP Socket MySocket.java
Send data in byte to the receiver. boolean send( byte[] t, ...... )
Try to connect to the other side. / Close this socket and notify the other side to close. connect() / close()
Documentation( including My FTP instructions ) Instructions for Project 3
Implementing TCP with UDP Implementing TCP with UDP

1.6.4 Ping & Traceroute

Description Entry File/Link
Build your own ping program Xt1643Ping.py
Build your own traceroute program Xt1643Traceroute.py
Documentation Instructions for Lab3

1.6.4 in-switch anomaly detection

Description Entry File/Link
Detect network attacks, like DDos or flood attacks, using programmable switch inswitch_anomaly repositories
P4 entry file inswitch_anomaly.p4
P4 package includes
Python package fengkeyleaf

1.7 Boolean Operation

Description Entry File/Link
Boolean Operation( Not perfect ) BExp.java
Get a boolean expression containing evaluating expression and target to be evaluated. BExp<T> getBool( T t, Predicate<T> p )
Get an AND expression, a And b. BExp<T> getAnd( BExp<T> a, BExp<T> b )
Get a OR expression, a Or b. BExp<T> getOr( BExp<T> a, BExp<T> b )
Get a NOT expression, Not a. BExp<T> getNot( BExp<T> a )
Evaluate this boolean expression. boolean evaluate()
Assemble target objects into this boolean expression. assemble( T... T )

2. Data Structure

2.1 Basics

Description Entry File
Doubly Linked List ( With the ability to remove / insert a node directly from / into the list. ) MyLinkedList.java

2.1 Tree

Description Entry File
Binary Search Tree ( put(), deleteMin(), deleteMax(), delete(), min(), max(), etc.) BinarySearchTree.java
Red Black Tree ( put(), deleteMin(), deleteMax(), delete(), min(), max(), etc. ) RedBlackTree.java
Segment Tree ( Range maximum and minimum Query ) SegmentTree.java
Priority Queue MyPriorityQueue.java
Doubly Linked Binary Search Tree ( With the ability delete / insert a node directly from / into the BST ) DoublyLinkedBST.java
Doubly Linked Red Black Tree ( With the ability delete / insert a node directly from / into the R-B Tree ) DoublyLinkedRBT.java

2.2 Graph

Description Entry File
Graph Graph.java
Graph in Haskell Graph.hs
Strongly connected component, SCC SCC.java
Directed acyclic graph, DAG DAG.java
Minimum spanning tree, MST. MST.java
Union Find UnionFind.java
Internet Flow InternetFlow.java
Bipartite Matching BipartiteMatching.java

2.3 Computational Geometry

Only support 2-dimensional scenario.

2.3.1 DCEL Vertex
Description Entry File
Get all incident edges of the vertex public List<HalfEdge> allIncidentEdges()
Find the first ClockWise Edge with two vertices destination and origin HalfEdge firstClockWiseEdge( Vertex origin )
Find the first CounterClockWise Edge with two vertices destination and origin HalfEdge firstCounterClockWiseEdge( Vertex destination )
Connect two vertices by adding new half-edges Face connect( Vertex v )
Re-connect half-edges incident to this vertex.(Duality Implementation) void connect( List<HalfEdge> E ) Half-edge
Description Entry File
Walk around all halfEdges connected to this one, and get vertices incident to them. List<Vertex> walkAroundVertex()
Walk around and get all halfEdges connected to this one. List<HalfEdge> walkAroundEdge()
Split the edge into two parts Vertex split( Vertex split )
Get all inner faces bounded by this half-edge, but not including holes. Collection<HalfEdge> getInners()
Sort half-edges in clock wise order with the point i as the center. List<HalfEdge> sortInClockWise( List<HalfEdge> E, Vector i ) Face
Description Entry File
Walk around all halfEdges, starting at this face and get visited halfEdges. List<HalfEdge> walkAroundEdge()
Walk around all halfEdges, starting at this face and get visited vertices. List<Vertex> walkAroundVertex()
Is the point inside this convex hull? but excluding the boundary. boolean isInsideConvexHull( Vector p )
Is the point on this convex hull? including the boundary. boolean isOnConvexHull( Vector p )
Is the point inside This Polygon? boolean isInsidePolygon( Vector p )
Is the point On This Polygon? boolean isOnPolygon( Vector p )

2.3.2 Shapes

Description Entry File/Package
Vector (2D Point) Vector.java
BoundingBox ( Bounding box for a half plane ) BoundingBox.java
Arc Arc.java
Circle Circle.java
Line Line.java
Ray Ray.java
Segment Segment.java
Parabola Parabola.java
HalfPlane HalfPlane.java

2.3.3 Space Trees Orthogonal Range Query
Description Entry File/Package
Kd-tree KdTree.java
Range Tree RangeTree.java
Layered Range Tree ( Fractional Cascading ) LayeredRangeTree.java Orthogonal Windowing Query
Description Entry File/Package
Interval Tree IntervalTree.java
Segment Tree SegmentTree.java
Interval Range Tree IntervalRangeTree.java
Priority Interval Tree PriorityIntervalTree.java
Segment Range Tree SegmentRangeTree.java

2.3.4 Point Location

Description Entry File/Package
Trapezoidal Map public class Trapezoid
Search Structure( Tree-like DAG ) public class SearchStructure

2.4 Networking

Description Entry File/Package
Pacp file Pacp.java
Packet Packet.java
Internet Protocol version 4 IPv4.java
User Datagram Protocol UDP.java
Transmission Control Protocol TCP.java
Internet Control Message Protocol ICMP.java
Logging System MyLogger.java