
JointCode.Shuttle is a fast, flexible and easy-to-use service-oriented framework for cross-AppDomain communication. It's a replacement for MarshalByrefObject which is provided by the runtime libraries.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


JointCode.Shuttle is a fast, flexible and easy-to-use service-oriented framework for cross-AppDomain communication. It's a replacement for MarshalByrefObject provided by the runtime libraries. Features including:

  1. Service (interface) oriented.
  2. Access to services registered in any AppDomains from one AppDomain.
  3. Better performance: 60 ~ 70 times faster than MarshalByrefObject.
  4. Services are manageable: dynamically register/unregister services at runtime without having to restart the application, or even restart AppDomain.
  5. Strong type, easy to use (while the MarshalByrefObject way relies on magic string to find the service type).
  6. Built-in IoC functionality for automatic service dependencies management.
  7. Supports for lazy type / assembly loading.
  8. The remote service lifetime can be managed by leasing, or on demand (the MarshalByrefObject way does not provide remote service life management).
  9. Simple and quick to get started.
  10. Support .net 2.0.

Limitations (Currently)

  1. Only supports 32-bit applications (x86 target platforms)
  2. Only supports Windows (only supports for .net framework, no mono support at this time)
  3. No support for cross-AppDomain events
  4. Not thoroughly tested


  1. JointCode.Shuttle, a fast, flexible and easy-to-use service-oriented framework for cross-AppDomain communication
  2. Improve cross-AppDomain communication using JointCode.Shuttle

A simple sample

This example is also available as a stand-alone integration test:

using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
using JointCode.Common.Extensions;
using JointCode.Expressions;
using JointCode.ServiceInjector;
using JointCode.Shuttle;
using JointCode.Shuttle.Services;

namespace JoitCode.Shuttle.SimpleSample
    public static class ShuttleDomainHelper
        public static ShuttleDomain Create(string assemblySymbol, string assemblyName)
            return Create(assemblySymbol, assemblyName, null);

        public static ShuttleDomain Create(string assemblySymbol, string assemblyName, ServiceContainer svContainer)
            var dynAsmOptions = new DynamicAssemblyOptions
                AccessMode = AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run,
                AssemblyName = new AssemblyName(assemblyName)

            var options = new ShuttleDomainOptions
                DynamicAssemblySymbol = assemblySymbol,
                DynamicAssemblyOptions = dynAsmOptions,
                DefaultLeaseTime = 10.Seconds(),
                PollingInterval = 5.Seconds()

                return ShuttleDomain.Create(ref options, svContainer);
            catch (Exception e)
                if (e.InnerException != null)
                return null;

    public interface ISimpleService
        string GetOutput(string input);

    [ServiceClass(typeof(ISimpleService), Lifetime = LifetimeEnum.Transient)]
    public class SimpleService : ISimpleService
        public string GetOutput(string input)
            return string.Format
                ("SimpleService.GetOutput says: now, we are running in AppDomain: {0}, and the input passed from the caller is: {1}",
                    AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName, input);

    public class ServiceEnd : MarshalByRefObject
        // 这里必须使用一个字段来持有 ShuttleDomain 实例的引用,因为它是当前 AppDomain 与外部 AppDomain 之间通信的桥梁。
        // 如果该实例被垃圾回收,通过该实例注册的所有服务会被注销,且当前 AppDomain 与外部 AppDomain 之间将无法通信。
        // We need a field to keep the _shuttleDomain alive, because if it is garbage collected, we'll lose all communications
        // with other AppDomains.
        ShuttleDomain _shuttleDomain;

        public void RegisterServices()
            // 注册服务组时,需要传递一个 Guid 对象
            // A Guid is needed when registering service group
            var guid = Guid.NewGuid();
            _shuttleDomain.RegisterServiceGroup(ref guid,
                new ServiceTypePair(typeof(ISimpleService), typeof(SimpleService)));

        public void CreateShuttleDomain()
            // 创建一个 ShuttleDomain
            // Create a ShuttleDomain object
            _shuttleDomain = ShuttleDomainHelper.Create("domain1", "domain1");

        public void DisposeShuttleDomain()

    class Program
        const string SimpleServiceEndDll = "JoitCode.Shuttle.SimpleServiceEnd.dll";
        const string SimpleRemoteServiceEndType = "JoitCode.Shuttle.SimpleServiceEnd.SimpleRemoteServiceEnd2";

        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Tests begin...");

            // 要使用 JointCode.Shuttle 进行跨 AppDomain 通信,首先必须初始化 ShuttleDomain。
            // 这个初始化操作一般在默认 AppDomain 执行,但也可以在其他 AppDomain 中执行,都是一样的。
            // To make cross-AppDomain communication with JointCode.Shuttle, initialize the ShuttleDomain at first.
            // It doesn't matter whether the initialization is done in default AppDomain or any other AppDomains, 
            // but it must be done before any ShuttleDomain instance is created.

            // 在默认 AppDomain 中,创建一个 ShuttleDomain。
            // 事实上,在需要与其他 AppDomain 进行通信的每个 AppDomain 中,都要有一个且只能有一个 ShuttleDomain 对象。
            // 尝试在一个 AppDomain 中创建多个 ShuttleDomain 对象时将会抛出异常。
            // 该对象用于与其他 AppDomain 中的 ShuttleDomain 对象通信。
            // Creating a ShuttleDomain instance in default AppDomain.
            // Actually, we needs one and only one ShuttleDomain instance in every AppDomain that needs to communicate 
            // with others. Trying to create another ShuttleDomain in the same AppDomain causes exceptions.
            // The ShuttleDomain instances communicates with each other across AppDomains.
            var str = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var shuttleDomain = ShuttleDomainHelper.Create(str, str);

            if (CallServicesDefineInThisAssembly(shuttleDomain) 
                && CallServicesDefinedInAnotherAssembly(shuttleDomain))
                Console.WriteLine("Tests completed...");
                Console.WriteLine("Tests failed...");



        static bool CallServicesDefineInThisAssembly(ShuttleDomain shuttleDomain)

            // 在默认 AppDomain 中创建一个子 AppDomain。
            // Creating a child AppDomain in default AppDomain.
            var serviceEnd1Domain = AppDomain.CreateDomain("ServiceEndDomain1", null, null);

            // 创建一个 ServiceEnd 对象以用于操作该子 AppDomain。
            // Creating a ServiceEnd instance for operating that child AppDomain.
            var serviceEnd = (ServiceEnd)serviceEnd1Domain.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap
                (typeof(Program).Assembly.FullName, "JoitCode.Shuttle.SimpleSample.ServiceEnd");

            // 在子 AppDomain 中,创建一个 ShuttleDomain 实例。
            // Creating a ShuttleDomain instance in the child AppDomain.

            // 在子 AppDomain 中,注册 ISimpleService 服务。
            // Registering ISimpleService service in the child AppDomain.

            // 在默认 AppDomain 中,获取子 AppDomain 中注册的 ISimpleService 服务实例。
            // 目前服务实例的默认生存期为 1 分钟。每次调用服务方法时,服务实例的生存期延长 30 秒。
            // Get the ISimpleService service in default AppDomain, which is registered by the child AppDomain.
            // The lifetime of service is default to 1 minute, every call to the service method extends that time for 30 seconds.
            ISimpleService service;
            if (shuttleDomain.TryGetService(out service))
                    Console.WriteLine("Currently, we are running in AppDomain {0}, " +
                        "and we are trying to call a remote serivce that defined in the same library...",

                    // 调用子 AppDomain 中注册的 ISimpleService 服务实例的服务方法。
                    // Call the service method of ISimpleService service.
                    var output = service.GetOutput("Bingo");

                    Console.WriteLine("Failed to invoke the remote service method...");
                    return false;
                Console.WriteLine("Failed to create remote service instance...");
                return false;

            // 通知子 AppDomain 立即释放 ISimpleService 服务实例,而不用等待其生存期结束。
            // 此为可选操作,因为即使不手动释放 ISimpleService 服务实例,在其生命期结束之时系统也会自动释放该实例
            //(如果 ISimpleService 实现了 IDisposable,还会调用其 Dispose 方法)
            // Indicating the child AppDomain to release the ISimpleService service immediately, instead of waiting for its lifetime to end.
            // This is optional, because even if we don't do this explicitly, the ISimpleService service will still get released in the 
            // child AppDomain automatically when its lifetime ends.
            // And, if the ISimpleService derives from IDisposable, the Dispose method will also get called at that time.

            // 在子 AppDomain 中,释放缓存的 ShuttleDomain 实例。这将会注销通过该实例注册的所有服务(在本示例中,即 ISimpleService 服务),
            // 并切断该 AppDomain 与所有 AppDomain 的通信。
            // Releasing the ShuttleDomain instance in the child AppDomain, this will unregister all services registered by that 
            // instance, and shut down all communications between that child AppDomain and all other AppDomains.

            return true;

        static bool CallServicesDefinedInAnotherAssembly(ShuttleDomain shuttleDomain)

            var remoteDomain = AppDomain.CreateDomain(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), null, null);

            var currentDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location);
            var simpleServiceEndPath = Path.Combine(currentDir, SimpleServiceEndDll);
            var asmName = AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(simpleServiceEndPath);
            var simpleRemoteServiceEnd = (SimpleRemoteServiceEnd)remoteDomain.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap
                (asmName.FullName, SimpleRemoteServiceEndType);


            ISimpleService2 service2;
            if (shuttleDomain.TryGetService(out service2))
                    Console.WriteLine("Trying to call a remote serivce that defined in another library from AppDomain {0}...",

                    // 调用子 AppDomain 中注册的 ISimpleService2 服务实例的服务方法。
                    // Call the service method of ISimpleService2 service.
                    var output = service2.GetOutput("Duang");

                    Console.WriteLine("Failed to invoke the remote service method...");
                    return false;
                Console.WriteLine("Failed to create remote service instance...");
                return false;

            return true;

The following is the output of test: JointCode.Shuttle.SimpleTest