TinyOS 是一些简版的 OS 实现,下面列出的是主要要实现的功能。
- 1 "Hello-World" Operating System, Boot-Process and Text-Output
- 2 Running the OS in a virtual machine (VirtualBox)
- 3 Memory-Segmentation, Global Descriptor Table
- 4 Hardware-Communication / Ports
- 5 Interrupts
- 6 Keyboard
- 7 Mouse
- 8 Abstractions for Drivers
- 9 Tidying Up
- 10 Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI)
- 11 Base Address Registers
- 12 Graphics Mode (VGA)
- 13 GUI Framework Basics
- 14 Desktop, Windows
- 15 Multitasking
- 16 Memory-Management / Heap
- 17 AMD amd_am79c973
- 18 AMD continued
- 19 Hard Discs (IDE/ATA)
- 20 System Calls, POSIX compliance
- 21 Network: Ethernet Frames
- 22 Network: Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
- 23 Network: Internet Protocol (IPv4)
- 24 Network: Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
- 25 Network: User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
- 26 Network: Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
- 27 Network: Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
- 28 Network: TCP and Hyper Text Terminal Protocol (HTTP)
- 29 Partition Table
- 30 File Allocation Table(FAT32)
make clean
删除已经编译的*.o mykernel.bin mykernel.iso。make run
这个包括编译运行代码,并且会启动virtualbox运行刚编译出来的系统。make mykernel.iso
原作者网站 https://github.com/AlgorithMan-de/wyoos
Orange'S:一个操作系统的实现 https://book.douban.com/subject/3735649/
现代操作系统 https://book.douban.com/subject/3852290/
TCP/IP详解 卷1:协议 https://book.douban.com/subject/1088054/
TCP/IP详解 卷2:实现 https://book.douban.com/subject/1087767/