
Some notes for future reference

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This repo stores some notes.

Existing topics are:

  • Hypothesis testing:

    • Different testings, such as t-test, binomial test and chisq test

    • Concepts in testing, such as chance (tolerance probability)

    • MDD and related concepts

    • Conditional power (work in progress)

  • Survival analysis:

    • basic concept, logrank test and Cox's PH model

    • Bayesian parametric model and Go/Nogo design

  • Fisher's information

  • Some random variable distributions:

    • Gamma and Beta distribution

    • Poisson and negative binomial distribution

  • misc information, such as STDM and ADAM, etc.

  • Some Bayesian concepts, such as prior/posterior distribution, prior/posterior predictive distribution and different methods to get credible interval.

  • to be added.

Upcoming topics are:

  • Some Bayesian monitoring concepts, for categorical/TTE end points go/nogo design.

  • BOIN and BLRM in early stage design, for single agent or combo agents.

  • Multiple testing: gatekeeping, fixed-sequence, fallback, close-set testing procedure

  • Multiple imputation: classic MI and Rubin's rule, joint model(JM) and full conditional specification(FCS, MICE), reference/control based MI

  • Mixed model: MMRM, etc.

  • Alpha spending functions