Manipulating-bits(hw1) Version 1.0 01/25/2014 GENERAL INFORMATION -------------------------------- STRUCTURE: hw1.c: handle commands and invoke corresponding functions functions.c: implement hexdump, base64 encode and base64 decode hw1.h: include all header files and function declarations makefile RUNING ENVIRONMNET: Linux, Unix HOW TO COMPILE -------------------------------- Makefile is included, simply enters: make hw1(or make) an executable named hw1 is created. HOW TO USE -------------------------------- The COMMANDLINE syntax for hw1 is as follows: hw1 hexdump [file] hw1 enc-base64 [file] hw1 dec-base64 [file] If file is not specified, the program will read from stdin. Output of the program will go to stdout and error messages will go to stderr. The OUTPUT for various commands are as follows. 1. hexdump: Each line in the output corresponds to 16 bytes of the input file. Sample output: 000630: cc 4a be 52 93 db d4 62 29 53 b9 ce 6b 0a 12 9b ~J~R~~~b)S~~k..~ 000640: ca dc 64 3c 8b c1 49 a7 90 b2 90 5b 08 e7 26 ee ~~d<~~I~~~~[.~&~ 000650: 69 84 4e be 40 09 ff 4c 42 40 0b 81 ce 16 b8 e1 i~N~@.~LB@.~~.~~ 000660: 0e 2b 38 e8 37 bb 29 0d 6a 3a 14 8f b0 04 e8 43 .+8~7~).j:.~~.~C 000670: d9 d8 cb 22 44 94 08 17 1d 02 1c 33 a1 90 51 21 ~~~"D~.....3~~Q! 000680: 74 f4 0c fa f4 e8 46 2d 3a 52 8c b6 c1 a4 ee 3c t~.~~~F-:R~~~~~< 000690: 65 4a 7d 90 86 10 00 00 3b -- -- -- -- -- -- -- eJ}~~...; If the data byte is >=0x20 and <=0x7e, corresponding ASCII character is used. If the data byte is <=0x1f or equals to 0x7f, a period character will be printed. If the data byte is >=0x80 a ~ character will be printed. In addition, non-existant bytes (at the end of the file) will display as -- and space characters in the right column is used. 2. enc-base64: Encode anydata into Base64 data and output the result 3. dec-base64: Decode any valid Base64 data and output the the result CONTACT IMFORMATION: -------------------------------- Email: Website: