
Purpose of the scripts

The account merge scripts (located at /usr/local/hpc/scripts/ merges the accounts on the master node to a compute or service node. The script is created to solve the issue that simple sync teh accounts file (/etc/passwd, /etc/group, and /etc/shadow) may overwrite some system accounts local to the compute or service node.

How to use the scripts

The following cookbook synchronizes the account files from master to a new server node newnode.

  1. Create a working directory /root/accounts on newnode.
  2. Synchronize the accounts file from master to newnode.

On master, run:

ssh newnode mkdir -p /root/accounts/20200227
rsync /etc/passwd newnode:/root/accounts/20200227/
rsync /etc/group newnode:/root/accounts/20200227/
rsync /etc/shadow newnode:/root/accounts/20200227/
rsync /usr/local/hpc/scripts/ newnode:/root/accounts/

On newnode, run:

cd /root/accounts