
Multiple anki apkg files are documented here that contain german nouns with colorized gender. You may want to try these out when learning german for the first time. 德语名词词性anki牌组


Multiple anki apkg files are documented here that contain german nouns with colorized gender. You may want to try these out when learning german for the first time. And if you are not familiar with anki, check this out and google it for yourself. Anki is the best tool I can find to help improving memory of german nouns gender.

中文 德语名词词性是大多数初学者在学习德语时必须跨过的一道鸿沟。为了帮助大家更好的记忆单词词性,我们在这里分享一些流行德语教材的anki牌组,牌组中不同词性用不同颜色标记,并配有单复数形式与中英文翻译。如果anki对你来说比较陌生,可以参考 https://apps.ankiweb.net/docs/manual.html ,或者在知呼上也可以找到相对友好的学习资源。


  1. Download and install anki.
  2. (Optional) Install anki AwesomeTTS plugin (google 'anki AwesomeTTS'). And configure AwesomeTTS german service supplier based on your region or network condition. For uses in mainland of China, you may want to generate sound via 'Oddcast'.
  3. Download or clone this repo to your local machine.
  4. Open anki, import downloaded '*.akpg' files into anki.
  5. Memorize them!

1. 下载安装 anki,https://apps.ankiweb.net/。

2. (可选)下载安装 anki 中 AwesomeTTS 插件(由于插件更新速度较快,请自行百度搜索最新安装方式),并配置合适的德文发声引擎,大陆可以使用 "Oddcast"

3. 下载或 clone 本库到本地。

4. 打开 anki ,将下载后的 '*.akpg' 文件导入 anki。

5. 好好背!


Making anki decks from scratch is a heavy load of work. Thank everyone for helping me selflessly. Your work will be honored. And THANK YOU again!

中文 制作 anki 牌组是一项费事费力的工作,感谢所有参与牌组记录,翻译,校对的童鞋。
book chapter participants(Listed in alphabetical order)
Passwort Deutsch A1 Lection 10 谈欢欢
Passwort Deutsch A2 Lection 11.. 20 @Kris-24 @LiangHongZhi 刘奇奇
Passwort Deutsch B1 Lection 21.. 30 黄方圆 @Jingying888 @Kris-24 @LiangHongZhi 刘奇奇
Berliner Platz 1 Kapitel 1.. 12 @Jingying888
Berliner Platz 2 Kapitel 13.. 24 @Jingying888 @open11012
Berliner Platz 3 Kapitel 25.. 36 @Jingying888
Berliner Platz 4 Kapitel 1.. 12 @Jingying888


IamChina | IchbinChina | **加油
During this special peroid of time in China, we are not able to go outside or walk around the city. Everyone participating this repo is grounded in his/her apartment staying with families. We are safe from the virus for now and staying inside is our way of fighting the virus. Personally, I do think we as humankind are doing better than 100 years ago. Again, science and education stand in a stronger position during this pandenmic. And learning a new language also gives me one more powerful tool to observe, to pray and to face a bright future.

中文 戮力同心