
Redmine Issue Reports plugin

Primary LanguageRuby

Redmine Issue Reports Plugin

Installing a plugin

  1. Copy plugin directory into #{RAILS_ROOT}/plugins. If you are downloading the plugin directly from GitHub, you can do so by changing into your plugin directory and issuing a command like

     git clone git://github.com/prodigasistemas/redmine_issue_reports.git
  2. Put in your #{RAILS_ROOT}/Gemfile.local

     gem 'holidays'
  3. Update your gems

     bundle install
  4. Copy config file

     cd #{RAILS_ROOT}/plugins/redmine_issue_reports
     cp config/config.example.yml config/config.yml
  5. Update redmine with custom fields

     cd update-redmine
     bash update-redmine.sh
  6. Restart Redmine

  7. Go to one of your project settings. Click on the Modules tab. You should see the "Issue reports" module at the end of the modules list. Enable plugin at project level. Now you will see "Issue report" tab at the project menu.