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contract txhash


contract address


putStarUpForSale txhash


createStar txhash




I have a question, please answer the teacher.

  1. I uploaded the contract to rinkeby test network, but I did not pass it when I initialized web3
New Web3 (Web3 currentProvider)

Get, but through

New Web3 (new Web3. Will. HttpProvider (" http://localhost:8545 "));

But the latter address cannot be used in rinkeby because the ganache-cli wallet is empty in rinkeby, so it cannot be tested directly, so I want to know about the correct rinkeby test process Under github, I found someone who wrote it

Web3 = new web3 (new web3. Will. HttpProvider (" https://rinkeby.infura.io/v3/9f1fb598e3424075854ee430b1b69a7e "));

However, when I changed my address to mine, I found that I could not get the wallet address, so I could not test it, so I want to know if this is correct.What should I do if I'm right

You have answered this question, Please see the next question

My running process

I still can't get the web3 injected by metaMask, so I can only provide the putStarUpForSale provided by ganache-cli, the address of createStar. I just click index.html directly, there is no service. Is the running method like this?

If not, please indicate the method